What is wrong with my dick head husband!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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Argghhhh I'm so mad and need to vent!

I can't understand why my husband feels the need to come home and tell me about every bodies pregnancy announcements! He came home and told me the ditches of Cambridge is in hospital with morning sickness! What makes him think that I give a shit!!

I know it's probably an over reaction but is rather him not come home and do it! It seems like everyone who gets pregnant at his work he also comes home and tells me about it!

Why are men so insensitive
It probably was just an un-thought of comment, that he really didn't mean anything by. He's just announcing news, but doesn't realise that every comment to do with pregnancy that isn't related to us - would spark us to feel a pang of sadness for what we lost.

I can understand why you are upset, maybe just tell him calmly that would he mind not telling him about ladies he knows or anything to do with pregnancies, as it is upsetting you :)
I didn't quite manage to tell him calmly!!

My words were (shouted) "why do you feel compelled to come home and tell me about every f&£?-;g pregnancy that you hear about"

He told me that I need to get over it and stop living in the past! .... Well he can think again if he thinks I'm speaking him tonight now!!!! Xxx
aww bless! I had an outburst of anger the other day (not like me at all) but not aimed at DH - we will go through a wide range of emotions and it's all normal. I feel anger is the strongest feeling I had about my miscarriage- and the tears I had were in anger as when I was crying about it i wanted to lash out and hit things too!

There is quite a lot of good info on the miscarriage association website including stuff for partners to read - so maybe point you oh in that direction - as he needs to understand what feelings are normal etc - he probably hasn't gotten over it yet and also needs some guidance on the feelings it;s ok to feel :)
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Maybe the positive announcements are helping him cope with the loss in a different way to you, I don't want to sound harsh but men are also human & have feelings too, your negative reaction towards him made him give off a defensive side of reacting back negative. I know its a tough time for you but he's most probably hurt too.

Again - I don't mean nothing harsh towards you with the above comment
I think he has got over it and he is just looking to the future now! I know he handles things different to me because even with ttc he was really relaxed and just thinks these things happen when they happen!

He probably thinks he's doing me a favour by telling me so I don't hear from somebody else but I'd rather hear on the grape vine about people at work instead of having it fed down my throat as soon as he walks through the door from work!

Perhaps I'm just having a bad day today xx
I don't think they get it. Oh keeps updating me about his friend at work who's gf is due today. Luckily I don't mind but I can imagine he just wouldn't think theyxx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
I agree Simone - men just havnt got a clue what they should and shouldn't say sometimes! Mind you saying that a lot of my female friends also havnt got a clue and come out with some of the most insensitive comments! I think what it boils down to is that more often that not if you havnt been through the grief then you are not in a qualified position to pass judgment on how somebody should cope! And I hope that none of my friends ever do become "qualified" because it will only be then that they realise!

I'm having a right old rant today but I feel better for it lol!

Ps I will look forward to spying on your journal - looks like it could cheer me up on a sad day xxx
I think I'm one of the lucky ones dan wouldn't dare keep telling me about other pregnancies he knows better and now all I'm gonna hear and see is about the royal baby :-/ yes I am very Jelous why can't I get my sticky bfp and have some happiness for a change pissedoff.com, hope ur ok lovelys our men sometimes are complete and utter TITS !!!! Xxx

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