what is this feeling?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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i keep getting a gasey sort of feeling at the bk of my throat. makes me feel abit sick. kinda acidy if you know what i mean. so hard to explain.

any ideas of what it is or how i can help it. xxx
maybe acid indigestion/reflux? I get it and have been bothered with it for years. I just use gaviscon and that helps alot. Have you tried liquid gaviscon?

x x x x
I had this alot, something to do with all the muscles relaxing and your stomach getting all crushed the acids in your stomach don't stay down so well, I got prescribed a big bottle of heartburn medicine and it has done me wonders ! x
no. i haven't tried anything as wasn't sure what it is. don't get heartburn etc just burning feeling at bk of my throat like you get when throwing up alot.

is it just normal gaviscon we can have. xxx
Have you ever had heartburn/acid reflux before? Just it doesn't actually feel like your heart is burning or acid low down near your tummy, it does feel like a horrible burny feeling in the back of your throat - sorry if I sound patronising, it's just when I started getting it I didn't think it was what it is because the names are misleading!
Oops, second part, yes it's all Gaviscons that are fine to take when pregnant, it's the first thing the doc will try and shove down you - also fine to take are Rennies, Remegel, own brand antacids and also if you can get away with milk, drink milk.
yeah had heartburn before but this just feels like ive been sick and left the horrible taste/ feeling in throat. i have even burped a couple of times and they have been sicky (sorry tmi) xxx
That's what it's like for me, it's always the back of my throat where it hurts when you've been sick and it makes me acid burpy etc, and it's worse when you lie down. Maybe give the antacids/Gaviscon a go and it doesn't help you can rule out any reflux/acid/indigestion issues when you get it checked? Hope you feel better soon though, it really sucks :(
thanks hun. will get some gaviscon tomorrow. can have it for hours on end sometimes. tastes horrible. lol. xxx
Hehe, when I get it it's there until my tablets kick in, it's awful!

Also though, Gaviscon has the texture of spunk so it's also truly hideous. Enjoy!
I hate gaviscon so I eat the chewy rennies more often for it. I always get it when I go to bed, it's horrible. Over the last few days I get it just about all day. I sometimes have a glass of milk with dinner and that seems to calm it down. X
Hehe, when I get it it's there until my tablets kick in, it's awful!

Also though, Gaviscon has the texture of spunk so it's also truly hideous. Enjoy!

:rotfl: Sooooo true! I'm sticking with rennies for now! Xx
I get that hun its minging...just acid. As everyone has said Gaviscon will help. I get heartburn at night alot too! Typical lol. xxx
Anacids help a lot I found work better than gavison sainsburys do theyre own for 1.78 for 48 livesaver x x

gonna try and pick something up on the way to work if i can. thanks all. xxx
You can get Gaviscon on perscription hun - If you buy it, the amount you will get thru will cost you a fortune

You can get Gaviscon on perscription hun - If you buy it, the amount you will get thru will cost you a fortune


Yeah that's true and the doc will prescribe the huge bottles!


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