What is the world comin too, when you cant take a pic,


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
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of your own child swimming....

i mean i know its because of all these ill minded individuals in the world but surely if there in the pool already then thats far worse than taking a picture...

i would love to take a pic of my LO swimmin for her scrapbook and its a major achievement, learning to swim (which she did today). But our swimmin rules state no cameras/phones etc allowed..

it kinda upset me in a way, i was telling her grandad that my baby girl could swim and id have loved to have pics to show him.. :(
its awful isnt it hun...

but like you say its there to protect our LO's

such people should disapear off the face of the planet :shakehead:
We had this problem a while back but in the end we did take pictures
We had to sign to say who we were and that the pictures were for private use and we would stop taking pictures if someone in the pool asked us too.
No one ever did
Maybe you could ask you pool to think of doing something similar :think:

I agree i think its over the top and taking away precious phot memories of are childs first experinaces and development
A women and a man with thier child taking piccies of thier own child and were treated as if were potential pedos
makes my skin crawl :twisted:
We asked the first time we took Connie swimming whilst on hols in England when she was 6 weeks and the pool atendant said no :( . After I pleaded, said it was her first time swimming and said she could watch me take it and pointed out there were only 2 other people and 1 child in the pool at the other end of it she relented and said 1 pic and take it quickly :D .

Surely it's worse if you were on a beach or on holiday by a pool as there is no one to police it. It's sad that it's like this though.
we snuck an underwater disposable one in the pool with us first time LO went swimming.
It took 24 photo's and we got 17 before they spotted us and said no.
Most were crap though since they were rushed shots so we weren't caught but a couple nice ones to mark the occassion
lots of private pools do photos shoot sessions you can normally book in even if you don't swim there
it just really got to me, ive been going there every monday since lexi was about 6 months old. i got afew sneaky ones the first time she went but today she swam off alone (with armbands) and i just thought id love a pic or few. i wouldnt of minded but the pool is empty except the odd 1 and i mean 1 lol. i asked the attendant and he just said no "im sorry"..... Yea right...

i even said id ask the other person if they minded if i took a pic of my own child and he was like :talkhand: :evil:

Perhaps have a ring round and try another pool? Ours lets us if you fill in a form first, we have loads of pics of our first swim :)
We called our local pool to ask about taking pictures. They asked us to fill in a form and bring proof of who we were and then they allowed us to take pictures.

It's worth it, we love taking pictures of Lauren when she swims. She's such a water baby!


Kate82 said:
We called our local pool to ask about taking pictures. They asked us to fill in a form and bring proof of who we were and then they allowed us to take pictures.

It's worth it, we love taking pictures of Lauren when she swims. She's such a water baby!



awww there lovely.. gonna av a ring round tomorrow and see what they say, Lexi loves swimmin shes a real water baby im determined to get some piccis xxx

thank everyone for advice x
Firstly i apologise about my misspelling as i am typing this in quite a shocked state.
i work as a lifeguard in a local swimming pool, i complelty agree with the rule that you cannot take photos of children in pools and cannot quite believe that some mothers think that its terrible that they cant!

So you can take photos in public with camera phones yep true... but is your child half naked on the street??...

The problem comes is when parents/ guardians upload the photos to the internt,, maybe ther proud they want friends to see their child first swimming time... anyone can get hold of this picture.

How would you feel as a parent of a child when another person is taking pictures of ther child/children in the same place that your child is swimming meaning your child WILL be in the picture??... do you know these people? do you really trust them enough that they wont do anything with these pictures?!.

Lifeguards never know who is taking pictures and what sport of people they are surely it is better to stop all people taking pictures so that no children are caught up in the horrible stories you hear nowadays.

i have had children complelty naked in the pool before and have frequently asked the parents to get the child dressed.... how would you feel if spomeone took that 1 picture of your child??...

a camera can be easily pointed at other children and vulnerable people may i add....
just because they look like there taking pictures of ther children doesnt necessarily mean they are!

lifeguards do not mean to upset you or be a pain, they simply mean to try and protect evryone in that pool as well as being on guard for any means of struggling. why do people automatically blame the people that are actually doing there best to keep everyone safe!!
noone is suggesting you are a peado as someone mentioned!

it is so dangeours and yet there are still people on this site that think its an outrage to be not allowed to take photos in swimming pools?!.

i dont think you can get any naive!.
We always had a rule were I used to work that you have to provide proof to staff that you were a relative or very close family friend, then have a member of staff with you, then the member of staff went through every photo and if another child's face could be seen(even side on) if had to be deleted. I know my local pool do that too, provide proof, stand with staff then surrender the camera/phone for images to be looked at. Its purely for protection. I actually look back at some on my own holiday photos or days out to water parks or the beach and think 'oh god.... please tell me know one else has a picture of this' and I know I'd worry over if anyone else got hold of even an innocent one of any of my future children - you never know what they'd do.

If you're that desperate for water baby pics then I'm affraid they'll have to wait until your abroad

Does the OP even still come on to this site?? This is from 2009!

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haha didn't even notice that one JayJay!

Note to self.... read dates on things... Though Lifeguard brought it to my attention anyways =D lol!
Ah note to self also read dates! i didnt see this! ha i was researching laws and regualtions on taking photos and this is what came up in google search i agree with you there LuW, if only everyone was as good thinking as you though, i have tried this with people and had some quite nasty comments and reactions when i have asked to see the picture, i wish everyone these days had common sense and manners not just the very few minority!, you can come to our pool anytime!!....

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