is this true?!??!!

valentine said:
monster_munch said:
Our local pool allowed it (I used my phone though, not a camera). Some places allow it as long as they can see you are related to the child, and are only taking pics of her.

Definitely worth checking.

I was allowed - but have to sign a form saying my relation to the child I am taking pics of and that I won't publish them anywhere (i.e online - whoops they are on F/book).

I would definitely check trixi

Valentine xxx

our pool lets as long as you ask.. and only have you own child in the picture.. as.. if they say no take a photo of you both in the changing room.. and get ur mum to take some with the camera phone lol..
Where we take Jamie you can take piccies but you have to sign a consent form that if needed your photos can be taken away/checked for evidence etc by the police.
well, we went today and took the camera just in case- but we asked and werent allowed :(

such a shame
i would of used the camera phone pretend u txting someone and turned the sound off and taken photo
neeko_1 said:
nooooooo why did you ask

how was it??

it was fun but its such a shame we cant capture the memories in images!
effing pedo's spoiling things for parents :(
when i first had Louie my Mum took Josh to his swimming lesson & happily told me later that she took some piccies of him, she didn't realise you weren't allowed, or that there is big sings everywhere around the spectators point telling you NOT to take piccies :roll:

i understand why the rules are there, but its a shame for the rest of us normal folk who want memories of our children

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