what is the strangest.....


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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....genuine craving you have had or heard of?

My mum had a thing for Germoline while pregnant with me, it was the pink stuff in a round tin and she used to lick it all the time.

Anyway i just wondered what strange cravings you have heard of that you know are actually true.
i had acraving for nail polish when i was pregnant with my 3rd (did'nt try it though think it was more the smell)
Someone at work said she had a thing for mars bars when she was pregnant....BUT.....they had to have been frozen in the freezer otherwise she couldnt eat them :rotfl:

also my boss told me someone he know's had a craving for (let me try and explain it!) the thing inbetween the bricks on your house? the brown stuff?? she had a craving for that and would pick it out with a knife and eat it :rotf: :rotfl:
~*Leanne*~ said:
Someone at work said she had a thing for mars bars when she was pregnant....BUT.....they had to have been frozen in the freezer otherwise she couldnt eat them :rotfl:

also my boss told me someone he know's had a craving for (let me try and explain it!) the thing inbetween the bricks on your house? the brown stuff?? she had a craving for that and would pick it out with a knife and eat it :rotf: :rotfl:
i think its called morter but not sure, whatever its called thats pretty yuk!! :puke:
my mum craved cigarette ash when she was pg with my sister- the smell of it!
she used to sniff my nans ashtray! weird!!!

i craved lettuce and ice quite normal- apparantly craving ice means your iron is low- that was true for me and i stopped craving it after 2 weeks taking iron tabs!!
not quite so strange, but my OH's mum craved marmalade & orange juice when she was pregnant with him & his favourite colour's orange!
I craved wall plaster with one of mine! I was low in iron too!
My mum was eating plaster when she was expecting me.. I don't seem to have any weird cravings but have gone off all meat..
I was sniffing the back of No smoking signs last week, not a craving as such just smelled good when i was putting them up
Hi girls,

With my first pregnancy, towards the end, i craved mud and earth BIG TIME!!

I would eat it out of my house plants with a spoon! :lol: :lol:

In end I had to go into the garden and eat mud and suck on stones from the borders - my DH wa s worried because of fertilisers, cats poo and everything else that could be in it BUT I DIDN'T CARE!!!!!

Apparently my body was lacking a certain mineral found in mud :think: :think:

Love and weird cravings,

Julia xxx
fran_23 said:
my mum craved cigarette ash when she was pg with my sister- the smell of it!
she used to sniff my nans ashtray! weird!!!

My friend was the same, it was the feel of it though... her OH used to save his ash in a jar for her so she could rub it in between her fingers, she says she had to stop herself eating it too... :puke:

With my first I craved red brick, I used to pull bits off my mums fireplace and suck it?!?! Not really had any with this one, although I have gone off pizza.. the thought of all the melted cheese makes me heave :(

H x x
Mines envelopes I love the taste of the licky bit. Mmmmmm I have to suck it till theres no flavor left!Its okay though because Im a florist I sit and write all the card messages and lick the envelopes so I get my "fix" :)
I've been craving certain types of music.

I usually like heavier music but I have wanted to listen to the heaviest metal I can find. I have even started liking a band that I've always hated because they calm me down. I hope the baby likes what I'm listening to :D
My craving in 1st tri was milk (not so strange) and now it's cleaning products and anything 'clean'...

If I have a bath I'll suck my soapy sponge because it tastes clean! x
I love the smell of Pine fresh toilet cleaner and soap!! The other day I had a craving to sniff Vosene shampoo and stopped at the supermarket on the way home to sniff it :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm craving Vicks vapourub.
I did last time aswell, and also last time I was getting through at least one packet of fishermans friend a day!

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