

Sep 28, 2011
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I read someware that if your craving healty stuff your likely to have a boy and if all you want is junk then chances are its a girl....

My mum only wanted sweet stuff with me, but then shes got a sweet tooth any way and OH mum craved pears (helathy)

So was just wondering if theres anyone out there who can shed any light.

Also any tips on how to curb the cravings would be good. Im craving sweet stuff and Bread and when I want it I want it and nothing else will do. I had thought I was over the cravings but apparantly not... Oooohhh, also, do we crave things al way through our pregnancy or does the cravings stop at a given time?
I think the cravings continue right through the pregnancy - but mine have swapped and changed a lot. Sometimes it's junk that I crave, other times healthy stuff... changes almost daily! The last couple of days it's been cheese and raisins (not together!) Don't know whether the cravings predict Baby's gender... don't think it could in my case as I'm neither 'sweet' nor 'savoury' = more a mixture!

I think you have to just go with your cravings to a certain extent - so long as you don't eat just junk food. Try to keep your diet well balanced if you can so LO gets all the nutrients it needs. Happy eating! :)
i'm not really sure tbh but with ds i ate alot of sausage rolls (not healthy lol) this time i'm having another boy and craving ice and ice poles!
Not true I'm normally a healthy eating freak but all I want is junk and sweet stuff and i'm having a little boy

I don't think this is true either as I lived on junk over my boys! I'm a mixture over this little lady, she loves chocolate, cake, melon and apples lol
I am craving spam, burgers and mortadella and all sorts of crap meat I wouldn't normally touch with a bargepole. Having a boy!
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see i'm craving cheese all the time, but it's all the smelly cheeses i can't have i really want brie and Camembert and obviously we cant eat them!! :(
see i'm craving cheese all the time, but it's all the smelly cheeses i can't have i really want brie and Camembert and obviously we cant eat them!! :(
I would KILL for some Stilton!!!
I'd say I've got more of a sweet tooth now, but it doesn't feel like what I would call a craving. I don't sit there and think ooooh I'm really craving sweets. It's just when I am hungry I'm more likely to want to snack on something sweet, whereas before being pregnant would always reach for the crisps first. But I think this is hubby's genes at work. He's got a real sweet tooth and would sit and eat a whole packet of biscuits if you let him, so I don't think it really tells the gender of LO. We're team blue btw.
see i'm craving cheese all the time, but it's all the smelly cheeses i can't have i really want brie and Camembert and obviously we cant eat them!! :(
I would KILL for some Stilton!!!

Oh my god me too. Every night I think what do I want for dinner and all I want is home made stilton and broccoli soup.........................
Eff the soup and broccoli, I just want the Stilton :rotfl: I am going to live on that and white wine once the baby arrives!

(I think cooked soft cheeses should be OK, though? So perhaps soup is safe to have?)
Sugar and fruit for me! I think they are just old wifes tales lol x
I craved fruit fruit and more fruit when i was pregnant with a boy. Towards the end I had to have something sweet every day either cake or a biscuit but then had to stop all fruit and cake as he was getting too big....that was very very difficult! Good luck all....
ps I haven't touched cake or biscuits since he arrived.
I'm craving savoury food - been addicted to pork pies and I'm not normally overly keen!

Winnie - I could totally eat a baked Camembert now with crusty french stick and chilli jam!!!!

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