What is the date of conception?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Just wondering what is the date of conception?

Is that the day you BD'd? or is that when the sperm meets the egg? or is that when it implants? I really don't know i'm new to this TTC stuff and I never had a ''LMP'' because it was a withdrawall bleed. What is conception? arghh lol!
i read that the date of conception is when the embryo successfully implants into the uterine lining :hug:
It's ok its just if I tested pos this month then i'd have to go by conception date and not LMP date...sooo confusing lol.

Thanks for replying :hug:
conception is when the sperm is in the egg and the cells start to divide.

implantation is when it's implanted and when the hcg is released, ie when you can test, 6-12 days average after conception.
Jade, ive just had my withdrawal bleed and if I fall this month then that will be the same for me. Not that im expecting to this month that would just be too lucky!!!

When are you testing???
Hi Jaidy,

I'm testing either tomorrow, wednesday or thurday (thats when my tests are ment to be delivered) if it's negative i'll leave it a few days to see if I get a propper period if not then i'll poas again lol. Glad im not the only impatient one...but I know if I have got caught this month then ive sort of got a conception date.
Jade, ive just had my withdrawal bleed and if I fall this month then that will be the same for me. Not that im expecting to this month that would just be too lucky!!!

When are you testing???
Hi Jaidy,

I'm testing either tomorrow, wednesday or thurday (thats when my tests are ment to be delivered) if it's negative i'll leave it a few days to see if I get a propper period if not then i'll poas again lol. Glad im not the only impatient one...but I know if I have got caught this month then ive sort of got a conception date.

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