what is normal pain wise??


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Sorry this is a question that's been asked many times but my twinges seem to be mainly on my left side.

They come and go but have now settled on one side. I have been reading about ectopic pregnancies and have noe convinced myself I'm having 1
( I also have brown spotting which comes and goes but I always have had so not abnormal)

So at what sort of level of pain do you need to be concerned??

Have got MW app tomorrow but was hoping for some advice from you guys first :wave:
Hi honey congratulations first of all n welcome to the forums :hug:

I two got twinges mostly on one side - I think alot of us did a week or so ago that are all due about the same time so a few weeks on from you - and i seem to remember (please excuse the pregnancy related amnesia) that someone said that its very common to experience more twinges on the side that you would have ovulated on - erm hope someone can clarify this for you but some of the twinges i had were quite ouchy. I slept all day yesterday pretty much and then today have noticed alot of twinges but i think my baby had a growth spurt yesterday and me belly is itching and twinging today :lol:

hope that helps to set your mind at rest a little anyways :hug:

Sarah xxx
i posted exactly the same thing chick, up until about 5/6weeks it was all on one side, now i dont experience any pains or anything in tummy,

so it'lls prob be same for you, but def dont worry about ectopic because i worried myself silly..

my pains were on my right, and most peoples were on left, which made me more worried, but turns out my lil bean is fine.. and so will yours xxx :hug:
Thanks guys.... I've had some tea and a Rennie ( burping madly) and it seems to have settled down.

I can't wait to be 8 wks like you guys :moon:
Mine was all on my right, and I remember having it when I was as early as 4 to 5 weeks. I'm sure you'll be fine, but I was a little concerned too, I found the symptoms on the net, they were bleeding, pain and surprisingly a pain in the shoulder. There might have been one or two more, but I can't remember now!

Im getting a lot of pain on my left side (like period pains) but not sure if thats the pregnancy or my crohns playing up. I too was worried about the whole ectopic pregnancy thing. This pregnancy thing is just one big worry. I have a feeling im gonna be a nightmare throughout!

Good luck with the midwife.

Claire x
Thanks NickyB

and Claire, I'll look out for you as our dates match ...... feel really sick now so am gonna have to miss Babylon and go to bed.

PS steer clear of coloured TicTacs :puke:
1588 said:
Claire, I'll look out for you as our dates match

No probs, if ever you want to PM me feel free.

Claire x

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