what is a 'sweep'?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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I've heard some of you guys talking about a 'sweep', what is this?

I've heard of 'being induced'.

Just wondered as Im now 2 days overdue! :cry:
hi hun,

Im not 100% sure coz i have never had one done, but i THINK its when the midwifes examine you and stretch your cervix to encourage it to dilate.

dont take my word for it tho, as im not sure on this, no doubt someone who has had one will answer soon tho :)

It's called a membrane sweep. Midwife inserts 1 finger into centre of cervix and does a clockwise sweeping movement to disturb membranes. You're very likely to go into natural labour within 48 hrs of this.
I'm considering a sweep if baby hasn't made appearance before Christmas. The most natural way of inducing labour. Apparently quite painful, but it works... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Emilia xx
Yes, I believe I've heard it's painful too but apparently not as unpleasant as being chemically induced. My Mom told me years ago that the minute the oxytocin drip is turned on, you can literally count about 3 seconds and then wham, the first contraction hits you, and you're totally unprepared.

I hope that doesn't frighten anyone - I figured hey, labour is supposed to be painful anyway, so I wouldn't scare anyone.

Hope I haven't... :?

Nope..... not scared but that Tiny Sue!!! I was induced with both my two children and it's BLOODY painful!!!
Wish that had suggested a sweep back then! :(
Emilia xx :wink:
I had 3 sweeps so it didn't work for me! It was quite painful, especially the last one but I think that depends on the person that does it because it's not painful for some people. I was induced with pitocin, at 11 days past due and that was quite painful and exhausting! My baby just wasn't budging! With a sweep, I think you need to be progressing nicely for it to have a real effect.
Hi Sue

your mum was right, i had the chemical induction, it was a drip put into the back of my hand, cant remember what the chemical was, but i went from having no contractions to full blown contractions, lasting about 50 seconds with only a minute break inbetween. it was a relief when they said that i needed a c section.

Sorry didnt want to scare anyone, but this was nearly 11 years ago, so things may have changed since.

I was induced last time and yes, it is VERY painful!

I am due on monday and have booked in to have a sweep on wednesday if nothing has happened.

I've been told that second and third time moms are more likely to go into labour after a sweep. First timers are not so sucessful.
My friend had a sweep recently and didn't think it had worked at first, but now she thinks she acually went into "slow" labour afterwards. She was a first timer.
Just been to Consultants and had a sweep about an hour ago. So will let you know whether or not it works. Only trouble was Cervix wasnt ready for baby to be born yet, so doubtful.

Can't say it was very painful, just uncomfortable and obviously not nice !

This is my sixth although ive not had a baby for Eleven years so whether that makes a difference ?

Will keep you informed.

Ragna xxx
good luck, Ragna.... :shock: :D
Keeping fingers crossed that you get steady, regular and painless contractions......... just perfect labour!!! :wink:
Emilia xx
when you say it was painful - was it like a bad internal? i've had a few internals that hurt me and i just wondered if it was that kind of pain.
Hi, and thanks for your replies!

I am booked in to have a sweep on wednesday. I will be 9 days overdue then.

Im wondering why they are leaving it so long though??? :? A few people have said it seems like a long time after Im due and some of you guys are having them before your due?????? :? :(
lulu said:
Hi, and thanks for your replies!

I am booked in to have a sweep on wednesday. I will be 9 days overdue then.

Im wondering why they are leaving it so long though??? :? A few people have said it seems like a long time after Im due and some of you guys are having them before your due?????? :? :(

My hospital told me you can have them from 38 weeks. My midwife says she will wait till I go over.. I am due on monday and will have a sweep one Wednesday if nothing has happened by then.

It sounds silly to wait till you're 9 days over.. I was INDUCED at nine days over with my first...won't they do you earlier?

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