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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Feel prettier when pregnant?

We all have so much gross stuff going on and feel so chunky, just wondered what you all do to help?

Me, I have booked in to get my hair done really nicely Sat (birthday pressie from Nanny :) ) also i have bought some gorgeous skinny leg maternity jeans and a few really nice jumpers :) Bit unusual but riding my horse really helps me feel like my normal self too so i am doing tis every day without fail, and he improving too.

May paint my nails or something. any other ideas girls? xxx
sometimes when i feel crap i force myself to have a nice bath/shower and spend time doing my hair putting on half decent outfit and face fulll of slap i instantly feel better when i think i look better!! :D xx
Me too i feel so much better then too. its funny that isnt it.

thats a good idea. i feel rubbish slummin around in ugly clothes and no make up (which is what im doing right now lol) then when i make the effort to do my hair and make up and pick a nice outfit - voila, happiness :)

ooooh buying clothes helps loads and new look have some lovely maternity stuff i saw the other day.
Mines more a less the same yeah, nice bath, shave my legs lol wash my hair, Get out moisturize all over with something which smells lush. Take time in blowdrying and straightenin my hair and putting make-up on, put summit nice on....a nice spray of perfume, painted nails ect.....Feelin fab :D xx
What about a foot massage/pedicure too? Painted toenails are a treat, I'm sure especially when one is preggers and finding it more difficult than usual to reach the toes! x
A pedicure for sure, someone else doing is always makes you feel better :)
yep yesterday I got my legs waxed and this morning spent time reshaping my eye brows, then at 1.30 I had a hair dressers appointment and I had highlights in 2 tones and a new cut. Im also wearing a new dress I bought yesterday in DP sale :)

Its done the trick! :)
sounds lovely tiny! some hardcore pampering sounds like heaven!
Yeah funnily enough it was always my feet I wanted nice :)
My new hair has helped lots :) and the compliments i have got were soo appreciated :D
I think I'm needng some of this pampering...
Might persuade Grann to have Eva for a few hours and get my hair done this week :D
I think we should have pamper parties whilst preg! I'm not keen on having a baby shower type thing but a night of face packs, nail painting and foot / shoulder rubs with the girls is sounding good :D
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