What have you done today?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I've had a really productive day!! I found some energy from somewhere and boy have I used it!!

I cleaned the bathroom with some new cleaning products and it smells gorgeous!! Then I did some washing (and fell down the stairs :doh: ) but we're ok! Then I finished off the last few bits of sorting out my bedroom. Then I decided to make a start decorating the shoe boxes for Evie with all the arts and craft stuff I bought (to store things like Evie's shoes, her hair clips and hair brushes, her dummies, her hairbands, bath stuff etc), then I gelled my nails with my new nail kit from www.naio.co.uk (highly recommended!). Here are a few pics;









What did everyone else do today? xx
Wow!! loving the boxes hun!! :clap:
Sounds like you have had a productive day.
Me and Dh went out for a walk today-I am trying to do as much walking as possible to encourage this baby to engage (she isn't having any of it tho!!)
We had a lovely walk in the woods to a waterfall then went for tea/coffee in a local tea room, then another walk aroind a nearby lake then off to the supermarket to do the weekly shop.
The sun has gone in now tho so we are just sat watching telly! :D
That sounds lovely Sarah!! I love going for walks around pretty places, I bet the waterfall was a picture :D

The boxes look lovely Dannii :D

We have had a day at home, this morning we potted some plants in the garden while Jacob played with his ball and this afternoon DH and Jacob have cut the lawn. Jacob has a lawnmower of his own so followed daddy round the garden with it - it was so cute to watch :D

those boxes look awesome :D

its tipping it down with rain here and has been all day

weve been and done the food shop, oh the excitement :roll: OH has played on the Wii and i have had a nice chilled time on the sofa
Aww bless him! He won't be doing it for free for long :lol: I bet being a Mum you could sit for hours just watching your kids play! xx
Sounds like you've all had good days!
We went to Asda.. had some lunch in the cafe and did a little shopping. That's it!
Awww, those boxes are gorgeous! You had a very productive day!

I went to the hospital for my last scan (cue sad face! hehe) and afterwards got mistakenly sent to the delivery ward!! I didn't see anything but I did hear one lovely lady scream 'I've had enough of this!! Make it stop!' :shock: A midwife asked me 'have you had your baby yet?' during the whole confusion as to why I was there, I felt like telling her 'do I look like I've had her yet?' :rotfl: I got sent back downstairs to the 'safe zone' as I like to now call it!
Beautiful boxes and beautiful nails hun! it makes me want to do mine! was it easy to do your right hand?

ive been cross stitching today, i had the torture of the sound of music being on the tvs upstairs and downstairs :( lol

OH has wallpapered and painted the kitchen walls at the flat. horayyyy!!!
Aww Dannii your so sweet! For some reason them boxes just made me cry! lol (nice cry lol)
Awwww them boxes are sooooo cute, i have loadsa little pink girly things in my card making box. Shame i don't have a girl to decorate pretty boxes for......
Don't think i'd get the same effect with action man and spongbob some how.....lol.

We have had a lay in bed, went down to my folks this afternoon, sat and played quiz buzz and pop quiz buzz all day whilst they all drank wine and beer and i sat with yet another box of icepops.......lol, then topped off with the biggest chinese take away ever, at home now and OH is a little worse for wear with the red wine......sooooo funny to hear him ramble on about nothing.....
Oooh they're lovely Dannii :clap:

Well, besides our unsuccessful 4D scan on Saturday, our whole weekend has mainly centred around looking for the cheapest place to by a Wii :roll: And buying things for Baby.

We managed to get, Baby Gym, Cot Bumper and matching duvet, memory foam baby pillow, baby toothbrushes and grooming kit, lots of Johnsons Baby smellies, digi thermometer, SMA Milk, some bottles, socks, and some boring bits for the house - clothes drier, frying pan, tin opener etc

Then today done more of the same - We done our food shop and popped to M&S to get their '2 Dine in for £10' offer...they had run out of puddings though so they gave us a voucher and got £20 worth of food for £9.97!

Oooh and stuck 50 odd DVDs on ebay AND OHs SNES and XBox :twisted: :cheer: (Terms of him getting a Wii! :twisted: )
Fab Boxes! I never quite get around to making things like that even though Im quite a crafty person and have drawers FULL of craft stuff. :lol:

It was/is DS2 2nd Birthday today, so we have had fun playing with all his new toys, consoling(sp?) DS1 who got very jealous he had no presents, even though it was his birthday a couple of weeks ago :roll: Then we all went out to Harvester for Lunch/Dinner so I didnt have to cook, and to treat the Children as we rarely eat out, and it'll also be our last "meal out" as a family of 4. We were in Harvester 3 hours! :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: I just couldnt eat fast enough, but was also very ravenous :lol:
Hope your son had a wonderful birthday! It sounds like he did :cheer: When I was younger and we'd go out to eat, it was always a big deal for us as it was so rare so we'd all get really excited!

Lu - Wow you've certainly shopped til you've dropped this weekend then!! That's what I blood well need! A baby play mat thing!!

Oh and Jodie, I don't do my nails very well lol :lol: :oops: but it's pretty easy to do the right hand! I can never be a*sed to wait for the acrylic gel to set properly before filing so I'd rather put up with a botched job so I don't have to sit around waiting lol :oops: So they're not as good as they could be but they last for ages!

My Mum doesn't use the tips, she just paints the acrylic gel over her normal nails to strengthen them so they're rock hard and prettier :) xx
dannii87 said:
Lu - Wow you've certainly shopped til you've dropped this weekend then!! That's what I blood well need! A baby play mat thing!!

We got it in Tesco for £29.99 - has lots of detachable toys, lights, sounds, mirror and bright and colourful too :) x
Very pretty boxes, well done Dannii i'm rubbish at stuff like that. Today i've cleaned cleaned and done some more cleaning! :D xx
cute boxes.. wish i was arty but no chance.. and ur nails are lovely..
I went cleaning mad last week, went to tesco and spent £18 on cleaning products lol, well at least i will be well stocked up...
wow those boxes are fantastic your very creative 8)
i love arts and crafts like that too :D

Dannii you really make me wana get my nails done! :D that would keep me busy for a while, trying to do them! hehe

im looking for some craft kits or something to keep me busy while im on maternity leave.

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