what happens..


Aug 11, 2011
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at booking in appointment?!

obviously with this being my first i havent the foggiest idea! the paper work i had to fill in for it was so long drawn out + boooooring! im lookin forward to gettin my scan date after booking in apt though woot! x

At my booking in app we have really just done paper work so it sounds like you have already done that, then it just bloods taken and water sample nothing to exciting lol good luck xxx
Same with me, we went through the family history, and then bloods, and a wee sample. Took around a hour.
ohhh yeah aswell, ive been given a red top urine bottle, do i have to fill it before i go or when im there?!:/ xx

Fill it and take it with you

Same as others i just did paperwork, blood samples and urine, she gave me lots of leaflets and a pregnancy book which is quite good.
is she gonna ask me about the downs screening + stuff ? cause idk about all that kind of thing with it being my first!
& fmu for the urine bottle?? x

dosnt need to be FMU just go to the loo before you go.

Yes i was asked if i would like the blood tests for downs ect, the bloods are not taken till 16 weeks though so you can change your mind up till then and the nuchul fold test is done at the 12 week scan.
yes discusses downs but only to inform you its a chance for them to check about domestic violence any likely problems and family history plus do a simple blood test. they also discuss any worrys you may have and answer questions i got baby brain inthere and had no questions then after wished id asked a few id planned to but couldnt remember so write down any you do want to ask specifically xxx
I went on Tues. Should have done bloods and urine but couldn't as labs were closed after Bank Holiday so getting those done on Fri. She gave me a folder with all the official paperwork and lots of other leaflets like choices about testing for Downs etc. She talked through family history, and rang up and booked scan there and then for 12 weeks, and discussed different scans (dating vs nuchal fold). She was really nice and the folder is great with all the stuff to read. She also booked in my 15 week appointment but said that if my 12 week scan changes my dates then I will have to rebook this.

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