what happens next?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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hiya girls well i posted this in ttc but still dont kno really whats gonna happen next.
i rang up the docs this morning after giving it a few months and we've got a doc app nxt tues.
iv already had my bloods done.
so what happens now?
any1 know? im worried incase they just say we cant have children, i know they wont but im just gettin worried.
btw im 23 n my hubby is 24 and we've been ttc for jus over 3 years
you will go to a fertility clinic to see someone who will then explain the options you have and they will ask you alot of questions about your health and family history etc. The next step will be a sperm test. After that I had a scan on my ovaries to see if there were any problems there. I found out I had PCOS. Next I had a xray to book after I came on to see if tubes were blocked. But I got pregnant and never booked xray as period never came so don't worry and relax x
Our second apointment at the gp we were sent for a sperm test
While still at the GP's i had bloods and STI smears and hubby had two sperm tests :)
oh right so hubby will be sent for sperm test next.
i just wanna get the ball rolling, hope the doctors dnt take ages to sort it out
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not going lie hun it does take its time, just be patient and relax x
Our experience was similar to some of the other gals.
21 day bloods, Sperm test (x2 as hospital wanted a repeat) and urine screening for STIs. Now waiting for appointment at fertility clinic (average 12 week waiting list).
Good luck !
hiya hun after id had my bloods and sti test done hubby went for a sperm test, he went for that on 3rd of august and we have our first hosp appointment on 7th nov so it does take a lil bit of time although it could have been quicker as there was a mix up withh our results so we ended up waiting 3 weeks for them xx
sounds like my hopes for a baba next year are over.
i got told cause i had a early mc in march that it would just take to fall pregnant again but noooooooooooooo

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