What food have you gone off?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Last time when i was pregnant for 10 weeks (was a mmc) I hated tea sooo much. but this time i dont hate it?

I hated most dinners!! any cooked meal around the times 4pm-8pm, and i am noticing this again this time!!! :mad:

i dont fancy chocolate at all, which for me is crazy hehe. but the thought of it doent make me feel nauseous like certain dinners do. :eh:

i also dont feel i have any rhyme r rason to my symptoms, i mean sometimes i feel sick in the mornings (today i did) and sometimes im ok mornings yet feel sick in the afternoons?! the tiredness is deff on the increase now! i have a week off work at christmas and i absolutely cannot wait :sleep:
Hi Hope,
I went off all vaguely healthy food!! I'm loving anything of the tattie variety and the stodgy-er the better! I remember a few weeks back my OH cooked a sunday dinner, chicken with gravy and stuffing, it didn't go down well :puke:, the stuffing just was wrong!! Don't know how Christmas dinner will go down, I'm hoping anything other than sage and onion stuffing will suit!
I have to say, starting to get some healthy stuff back, been enjoying pears and apples in between hash browns and chips :dine:

Knowing what's good for you and bub is one thing, actually keeping it down is another!! :lol:
hehe i have been loving chips recently too!! mmmmm chips and mayonaise!

i am soo looking forward to christmnas dinner more than ever!! i want the biggest amount of turkey , roasts, parsnips, carrots, broccoli, bread sauce and tons of think gravy, ooooh typing that has made me hungry, im off to make a fish finger sandwich for now :)
most things seem to taste funny to me at the moment, havent really gone off anything but have really wanted Heinz tomato soup - Im getting nauseaous in the late afternoon now so dinners are really making me feel pukey - tiredness is stopping me in my tracks too. Last time I couldnt face any fresh veg, fruit or salad, it used to make me want to chuck but so far this time ok! Nausea last time also made me lose 1kg in the first 3 months.
Rosies mummy glad you are tired too, i keep feeling cheeky as im so early on but i literally cant be bothered to ride at all!! and when i do i just yawn! i am doing everything in slow motion too...rubbish why cant i be rich and not have to work hehe
Yes to be rich! I think Ill make that my New Years Resolution..hehe..if only! I literally had to put my feet up before dinner, I thought I was going to sleep standing up. Its definitely much more difficult this time around with a LO to look after but she has been a little angel this evening. Lets hope our energy comes back after the 12th week is up! xx
Hi hope,

I have gone off proper dinners. Feel so sick around 5-8pm! Loving bagels with philli!!! MMMMMMM..... could just have one now.
I can't go near milk, the sight of it sets me off. :puke: chocolate or anything sweet i can't stand.

I feel sick through the whole day on and off which is horrible seen as to get to college i have to go on 2 buses for up to 90mins!! My sickness does seem to be worst around 2pm though.

Thats really it up to now but i don't want to eat much in general so thats a struggle to. I keep fruit with me but when i do feel hungry its never enough. :?

katie xxx
isnt it funny how so many of us go off sweet stuff??

luckily still like fruit and veg, for now at least!!

urgh i feel so sick right now. and a dull slight head ache x
I went off Walkers Sensations Lime crisps, which were my favorite. :puke: Even thinking about them now makes me ill!
Cheese used to be my chocolate - but i haven't touched it! Coffee used to be a huge love of mine, and although i have been watching how much caffine i consume when i think "i'll have a coffee" i just don't enjoy it like i used to, and feel sick afterwards so I treated myself to lots of different fruit teas today.
Have been enjoying crisps though!
haha thinking of spaghetti bolognaise makes me heave! and i nomally like it quite a bit!!
Everything seems to be making me feel sick just now, I can just about manage one small meal a day and thats it. If I smell food cooking, feel sick. If I think about food I feel sick. This isn't fun so far :cry:

I really hope this stops after the 12th week!!!!
In 2 of my pregnancies I went off chicken :puke: and last time it was tea and mince and I haven't been able to eat mince since!
Sweet things have sickened me :puke:

When my friend was pregnant, she ordered salt and chilli chicken from a chinese, a favourite of hers.. And when it came she ran to the toilet and was sick before the bag was even open :lol: The smell completly set her off, still to this day she can't stand the sight nor smell of it
i totally went off milk in my first tri and now im like addicted to the stuff haha!
Milk was my biggest craving with my eldest....I drank about 6 pints a day! :lol:
just had a mug of hot milk mmmmm, i think because i had fairly bad morning sickness (i wear motion sickness bands still) that milk was awful to drink, cant stop drink the stuff now haha!
I too can't stand chocolate, just the thought of it makes my tummy go funny.

Although I have a massive craving for anything to do with potatoes

My partner was disgusted when I made a huge bowl of buttery massed potatoes and refused to let him even get a look in haha!
oooh i had a bowl of mash 'taters the other day, scrummmmmy :D!

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