What food have you gone off?

hope so as i am eating lot of salmon! and plenty of fish fingerss too :)
Hello ladies, I was very badly sick from about week 7, and i've lost over a stone, everything set me off, but we went to a christmas fair and the smell of candyfloss was awful, that was probably the worst. But just moving from one place to another and i'd throw up. Don't want to tempt fate but it started to ease from week 11 and wasn't everyday and the last time i was sick was saturday.

My appetite is starting to return slowly now too. I like new potatoes by themselfs with mint sauce which seems a bit odd but i can't get enough, but potatoes in general i'm enjoying, mashed, roast, jacket etc. Not too bothered about chunky chips though for some reason. Put off by greasy or fatty foods. Eating alot more fruit which is unlike me, milkshakes and fruit smoothies i love and just milk by itself. I normally prefer coke, but not since being pregnant, i bought loads of caffine free coke, but i prefer fanta orange. Its funny the things you want when your pregnant!

As far as the tiredness goes still not gone i'm afraid, i keep falling asleep sat up, yesterday i called into my mums work with her on the way for some lunch and fell asleep with my head on the desk, lol
Oh no Katie yours sounds really bad! Mine seems to be getting worse by the day. All afternoon today i felt like death.

I am going out for a pub meal tonight with my OH so i seriously hope i feel ok for that :)
I loved irn bru and slush puppies when i was pregnant and i even had a blue slush puppie sick inncident lol :)
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eww slush puppie puke!

The smell of cooked vegetables is really making me feel sick at the mo, in fact, just the thought is turning my stomach!
Im trying not to eat chocolate but Im really fancying it again..the Toblerone that I bought as a Xmas present now lies under the tree in a interfered way..
I can't eat chocolate either! Ive had an advent calander in the lounge and I can't bear to go near it, it makes me feel ill! Supernoodles are another one I can't stand, I can't be anywhere near a room that someones cooking them in...I used to love them!

Potatoes are deffinatly the way to go though, I had a big plate of mashed potato and gravy yesterday and it was beautiful! Pastry also goes down pretty well :eek:)

I was looking at the snow yesterday and for some reason really wanted a slush puppy because of it, and now this thread has just made me want it even more!
I went off virtually everything when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was so tough. For 8 weeks I was living off fish fingers sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, chips & mayo. I could eat some fruit, but the only veg that stayed down were peas. I could sip room temperature water or drink hot chocolate or milk shake ( but only before about 11am). I was so worried my daughter would be damaged by my rubbish diet I used to try and force other things down only for them to reappear a short while later. My daughter is perfect though & loves peas!

This time I hate smells like petrol, wet dogs, cigarette smoke & alcohol. But food wise as long as it's not bananas or curry (uggh!) I haven't gone off anything yet.... there is still time. I have gone the other way this time & have a big thing about mature cheddar & pickled onions - eating rather a lot!
Im trying not to eat chocolate but Im really fancying it again..the Toblerone that I bought as a Xmas present now lies under the tree in a interfered way..

My gran knitted DSD a smartie holder decoration thing for the xmas tree, we haven't seen her yet and I have already had to fll it 3 times :whistle:
Is really nice reading all your comments as have been feeling the same - the odd nauseous twang in the mornings but mostly in the evening. I'm always hungry but don't actually fancy eating anything, and cooking for OH is when I seem to feel worst. I can't imagine eating any of it!!! When I start though, I'm fine, but am eating much smaller portions than normal. Very strange!!!
i am eating WAY smaller portions too. i dry heave if i try to eat my usual amount lol.
I've really gone off the smell of over cooked vegetables. they smell like they are rotting ot me. I couldn go int he work canteen and round at the mother in laws for sunday lunch where she likes to cook carrots for 30 minutes! Probably just ot make sure noone has to chew anything! But hte smell of it turned my stomach so much I couldnt eat, fortunately she believed me when I said it was morning sickness and nothing to do with her cookign! lol!

My mum is an excellent cook and made soup today, but thesmell of that made me sick from upstairs in my bedroom!

I say over cooked veg because I normally eat steamed veg and have no problem with that still. wierd!
Im trying not to eat chocolate but Im really fancying it again..the Toblerone that I bought as a Xmas present now lies under the tree in a interfered way..

My gran knitted DSD a smartie holder decoration thing for the xmas tree, we haven't seen her yet and I have already had to fll it 3 times :whistle:

Only Smarties have the answer! OH bought a big tin of Quality Street today for festive purposes..not as nice as Roses, I can definitely vouch for that!
well, have gone off my mornng tea and woken up feeling as though i had a very heavy night last night... :) (gonna be fun doing the food shop this morning :lol:)
i have still not told some people about this pregnancy, and last night had a big christmas dinner and one thing i have really gone off is pudding. except yoghurt or fruit, and my step mum brought out my usual fave, really sticky stodgy brownie dessert and i couldnt eat it. so i had to lie my way around 1. i dont want any wine (said i had a headache) 2. no thanks i dont want any pain killers for my head ache, ermmmm had too many earlier, NOT, and 3. god for some reason i cant eat my pudding which i always always can usually LOL. WAS HARD WORK.

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