what does your 6-8 week old do...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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I am a bit worried that Coby isnt doing much for his age.

so please can you tell me what your baby is/did doing between 6 and 8 weeks.

thanks :)

Oscar was smiling and giggling. Also able to focus on black and white patterns. Recognised me. Cycling movements with both arms and legs. Batting at mobile to cause movement. Kicking hanging objects whilst lying on his back. His back also strong and he holds his head up brilliantly.

I'm sure Coby is doing great - they're all so different! :wink:
Emilia xx
Jack is sitting up right holding his head up on his own, always moving his arms and legs, grasping things you put i his hand, smiling and gooing.
oh and he is really really alert, he follows people with his eyes as they walk past.
They don't really do much at this age do they!!! Lol
HI Layla

Kiara is holding her head up well held her head up since birth pretty well.
kicks arms and feet hold her hands together, throws toys in the crib, rolls on her stomach and back, side whichever, smiles and giigles , tries to talk, looks form side to side at objects held in fornt of her.
I think thats it, oh one day she moved up the bed about two feet lol, she will be crawling in no time.
Why do you think hes not doing enough?
I dont even knwo what they are suppost to do at this time
Seren didn't do much, she was happiest sat on my knee, she could hold her head up really well. She could track a moving object, smile, kicking out, trying to stand up.
Erm... naff all?! :?
Actual age he did nothing really except spend a bit of time awake during the day.
Now he 6 weeks corrected (just about) he smiles, babbles sometimes (not often), can lift his head off the floor, watch things, still not much though. His social skills are delayed.

Coby can smile and hold his head up for 10 mins or so, he kicks and flaps his arms about, he watches things and people with is eyes. he also trys to stand up all the time.

he isnt babbleing tho, he makes the odd noise and can tell when hes ecited, but he is not coo'ing or anything

he doesnt hold things either

is that alright do you think?
Sounds good to me hunnie :) I guess babies do some things slower than others but can do some things faster - Coby had social skills very early on and was smiling quickly :)
He sounds spot on to me Layla, Seren has only really started burbling to herself and she still doesn't do it much. I was told that they can usually hold their heads up at 10-12 weeks so all our babies are geniuses (of course you all knew that anyway :D )
Damien is a genuis too Sami, wasn't he smiling before you thought he would be? I'll remind you of this when you are tearing your hair out cos he has climbed up the curtains and emptied the fridge x

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