what does your 20 week scan notes say?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I just had a look at my notes from my 20 week scan and started to google the things i didnt understand... im still no wiser just really upset!

HC 182mm = 20weeks 6 days mean
AC 144mm = 19weeks 6 days mean
FL 34mm= 20weeks 5 days mean

What i understood it means that the head is big like he was 20 weeks and 6 days but his body is like he was only 19 weeks 6 days?? She said he looked normal but that done sound normal to me, just really un-even!

He was 20+2 at the scan, is he a very big boy? :sad:
ours was 20+4, head was 186mm and FL same as urs hun, didnt measure abdo xx
its 7 days differens on them date things :( :( im abit worried now..
Mine say:bpd-45 mm
hc:173 mm
vp:8 mm
tcd:20 mm
cm:6 mm
ac:152 mm
femur length:33.7 mm
estimated weight:12oz

It doesn't say what weeks the measurements correspond to but everything is in middle of the normal range except his femur length which is between the middle line and end line and the ultra sound tech said that he's got nice long legs x x I wouldn't worry too much, if the ultrasound tech didn't say anything about it to you x baby might have a body growth spurt and catch up with his head x x
mine doesnt say we get a small scale chart thing everything in the middle apart from the tummy which is a little bigger like her mummy but i still have some to be measured i wouldnt worry they would have said if there was anything to worry about
I think I'm having another tall baby!!

FL 35.2mm
HC 181.6mm
AC 150.9mm
I wouldn't worry about it hunni, it is normal. My daughters measurements were similiar, I think it's just because all babies develop at different rates and no two babies are ever the same! My daughter had a large HC when she was born and was very long but was quite petite otherwise. if there was something they were concerned about they would tell you xxx
With my first baby, they said her head was very narrow,and only just within the limits of normal!! How rude. Her head is perfectly fine!! All mines measurements are a bit odd too though but I think that's normal x
HC 184mm - 21 wks 0 days mean
AC 162mm - 21 wks 3 days mean
FL 36mm - 21 wks 3 days mean

I was 20 wks 2 days when i had the scan xx
hey first of this is normal the babys head is always bigger the first part of pregnancy even at this point, over the next few weeks your baby is starting to put on body fat meaning the body will be the same proportion as the head, i dunno why this is but most baby books tell u this its just how the baby develops over the next few weeks so dont worry u have a healthy baby boy xxxxx
Your Baby's Growth and Development
By 20 weeks, your baby is now practicing breathing and swallowing on a regular basis. Your baby continues to grow and fill out, with the head becoming slightly more proportional to the rest of the body. Your baby's skin is becoming more complex now, forming different layers. The epidermis, or surface of your baby's skin, has four layers that contain ridges for fingertips. The layers that form in your baby's palms and feet will provide him with his own unique fingerprint later in life.


just a website to try and explain what i mean xxx

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