What does it mean I'd bump measures big?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Will lo be a fatty? Will the chance of he being early increase? I'm 30 + 1 today and midwife said I measured 32 weeks, but she was not concerned. Anyone else had this ? X
i dnt think it means to much tbh i got measured 2 in one day and both mw measured me different i think its more a rough guide.. I was measuring big by 2 and a bit weeks but have now caught back up and only a tiny bit bigger.. could all be water in there or all baby i measured small with my son and went late and had a 9 pound baby lol so i dnt think there is anything in it really think if u were seriously smaller theyd scan u but not by a week or so x
hiya ... yes at 29 weeks i was measuring 31... then at 31 i was measuring nearly 34.. and by 34 / 35 i was back to normal for dates again!!! apparantly it doesn't neccessarily mean a big baby... can be more waters, or even position of the baby at the time... i think they only find it a concern once you go over 3cm big for dates... wait and see what happens at your next appointment - i still wonder if it's different depending on which midwife / student is doing the measuring too...
They dont worry about it until ur 3 wks out apparantly Ive been big & small measurements & just right as bubs seems to have little growth spurts lol. Ive also had extra growth scans due to being ill & she has very long legs so it could b that the baby is long could be lots of things but nothing to worry abt unless ur diabetic they said x
I measured 2 weeks bigger and Caitlin weighed 6ib 9ozs and everyone says how small she is :(
I think most peoples measurements go up and down from time to time as baby has growth spurts - wouldnt worry hun :) x
I'm currently measuring 8cms bigger!! With mine its extra fluid and I get scanned every fortnight to check the levels. Baby is measuring normal for dates.
The main concern with me is that I would go into preterm labour- if I can hold on for another 6 days I'll be 37 weeks and he can come anytime then!!
I wouldn't worry to much hun as all the other girls so I think its more of a guideline for them. From 28weeks I was always measuring 2weeks behind had a scan at 36weeks to be told that little one already weighed 6lbs 7 then!! I'm just over 39weeks and past 3 appointments my measurements are still showing 36weeks. I thought I was going to have a tiny baby with the measurements always being out. But the scan soon burst that bubble haha. If the mw thought it was anything to worry about I'm sure they would offer you a scan sweets I wouldn't worry yourself

Big hugs xx
I measured 2 weeks ahead up until 36 weeks and last time I measured a few days smaller. Think it means very little.

I measured bigger too, eventually you even out and will measure right xxx

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