What do you want for xmas?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Im really stuck on what i want.. i dont need anything.. so im after your ideas and what you are having from your oh's

last year i had a toaster? :talkhand: :doh: :lol: i always winge that thick bread gets stuck.. so he got me one.. and tbh.. i use it pretty much every day so it was the best £10 he ever spent.. but still! a toaster! lol.. problem is.. my birthday is christmas day to..

Alex has not long passed his bike test.. and all in all witht he bike it cost over 1k.. so when he bought his helmet and jacket and gloves he really scrimped on them.. so he wants boots waterproofs and new gloves and handle bar warmers for his bday(nov 24th) and xmas..so he is sorted..

im jsut stuck on what i want.. so seeing a list of what you want might help :p x
I want an eternity ring - something like this one!

No idea what I want, the bloke will come up with something brilliant anyway, but here's a few things I've got in the past, maybe they help as an inspiration.

Sewing machine, as I mentioned I'd like trying it some time.
Walking Poles, as my knees are a bit dodgy, they're great in the hills.
MP3 Player (when I used "I don't have an MP3 player to listen to so I can't go running" as an excuse, claiming it'd be too boring without music)
A gorgeous handbag from kindom (http://www.kindom.co.uk/)
pilkers said:
I want a wii :cheer:

I won't bloody get one though :rotfl:

That's why I got OH one for his xmas because I wanted one hehe :twisted: He'll like it too mind!
last year for joint xmas and birthday i got an Xbox 360 Elite!!! Obviously wasn't for me was it...and it's collecting dust!!!

This year i won't get anything!
I just want my hubby home and not on the bloody rig :pray:
I want a bfp or even better to be pg by xmas :pray: :pray: sorry not much help to you :lol:

How about asking for money (or his credit card for the day :wink: :D ) then you can go on a shopping spree and get what you want and if you wait till the January sales you could get some real bargains :)
A sat nav. Nothing fancy, there's one for £60 in Tesco that will do me.
No idea!

Haven't done my bday yet :lol:

So whatever I don't get for my bday :D
I never really want anything tbh. I just like small quirky presents rather than big expensive things.

I never wear jewellery so am never given that. I've not worn anything like that since I was about 18. I'm difficult to buy for anyways :roll:

I'd like bacon and maple syrup pancakes in bed on Christmas morning. Along with champagne and strawberries.
Sherlock said:
I'd like bacon and maple syrup pancakes in bed on Christmas morning.

I usually make that for our christmas morning brekkie! :)
a new digital camera (seen one)

and a jacket i saw in new look for my birthday

already got some boots (see other thread in off topic)
and a TV is on its way for my room
Id love a wii fit for after the baby is born but apart from that there aint much I want.. wouldnt mind the higher ugg boots this year but since i got some last year i doubt he will get me anymore lol

last year he got me

Ugg boots
Silver necklace and bracelet set
Babyliss u curl
Jean Paul perfume gift set
Big box of thorntons chocs

for my birthday in may he bought me laptop
My OH and his mum went Christmas shopping yesterday, it's something they do together every year - they both love shopping and make a full day of it 10am till 10pm!!!!
I wrote out my list before they went:

1.Big bottle of bio oil
2.bobbypin eyeshadow set from boots (the £8 one!)
3.Estee Lauder double wear foundation in Pebble
4.cosy dressing gown.
6.Anything pampering from the body shop
I usually ask people to buy extra pressies for the girls (well its been Tia up till now... but now I've asked for lil miss too)... for me the look on Tia's face when she opens her pressies is worth a 1000x expensive pressies for me... Tia also always makes me stuff for xmas and I much prefer them than something frivolous.

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