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May 10, 2007
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Hey all I'm new here :D

Me and my boyfriend had sex before, on and after my ovulation date which was 3rd May. A week later my boobs started getting really sore (I sometimes get this before AF but usually it comes on a few days before not a whole week), a few days after that I started getting mild period like cramps and my boobs hurt even more (last night one of my nipples felt like it was burning) and about 5 days ago I noticed a bit of pink on the tissue when I wiped. Now I'm also getting mild lower back pain as well as cramps.

I'm not due for AF until Thursday but what do you reckon the chances are that I am pregnant?
Well I tried to get one done at the docs today (I went for something unrelated) and he said there was no point as it's too early and for me to wait until next week :shock: but if AF doesn't turn up on Thursday I was going to do a home one then coz I can't wait :evil: :lol:
Ok I'm a bit worried, my doctor put me on antibiotics for a severe eye infection (I did explain there was a possibility I could be pregnant and he said not to worry as this wouldn't do any harm) but I'm worried that if I test tomorrow if AF doesn't show up, will the antibiotics affect the result? Probably a really silly question but if anyone could help that would be great :D
I had the same symptoms when I got my BFP. I thought it was all in my head, but I guess it wasn't. I always get sore Boobs and Cramps, but usually only the day before AF.....this time is was almost a week before AF. Good Luck!!
I was on a course of anitbiotics while ttc and was told that they were safe if it turned out I was pregnant.

Sounds like my first symptoms before I got BFP.

Best of luck. let us know how you get on.
Well I'm due for AF today and took a test this morning (couldn't wait) and it was of course negative :( but now I really feel lik AF is going to arrive today so I'm not to happy. I'll keep you posted
Thanks everyone. AF still hasn't arrived but I am still feeling like it will do any second :? I've also had a huge arguement with my boyfriend (over something unrelated) and he is ignoring all my calls and texts so as you can imagine I don't know if I'm coming or going at the minute. :(

When do you suggest is the best time to test again? I was thinking to try again on Monday if AF hasn't arrived?
:shock: I've just noticed some broken veins high above my right breast, is this another sign? They're not blue but a slightly reddish colour, they weren't there yesterday
test agin in 24-48 hours but use FMU

best of luck, keep us updated

Good luck lass!

As for the anti-biotics, I'd stay off them. My mum was on anitbiotics for a bladder infection, that's what they thought her symptoms were, turns up she was pregnant with me. The antibiotics didn't affect my health but due to mum taken them so early on, I was born without hair and didn't grow my hair or teeth till I was 2. Not all are like this but I know of 7 other mothers who had the same probs whilst taking anti-biotics whilst pregnant, they were like me with no hair or teeth until 2yrs old.

It's up to you though, just thought I'd let you know of the side effects that could happen.
I did a test on Saturday and again it was BFN. Still no sign on AF though :| and the boyfriend is still ignoring my calls and texts :(
Did another this morning still BFN - has this happened to anyone else?
Some ladies it doesn't show for weeks so they go to the Gp and get a blood test done. How many days late are you now?
I'm 6 days late - I still have sore boobs, I feel down and upset (but then my boyfriend disappearing hasn't helped my moods) I'm still crampy, I have an increase in discharge, it feels sometimes like it is my period but when I go to check it is just clear discharge (sorry if tmi), I have slight lower back pain and my abdomen feels weird, like a pulling sensation and sometimes I have a funny pain behind my bellybutton oh and I also have a few veins cropping up on my chest :shock:

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