What do you reckon?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I went for a smear yesterday and when she put the thingy in that they use to open you up :oops: she asked me to lift up my bum slightly. Do you reckon that my cervix is far back maybe? And if I put a pillow under my bum after BD it would help?
hmmmm never been asked to do that and I am the smear queen :wink: had to have monthly ones for ages.

Maybe it's worth trying - or one of those inflatable cushions - wedge shaped for inventive BDing :wink:
I've never been asked that before either LOL. I have had to have smears once a year for about 5 yrs and b4 that every 6 mths. It's a pain isn't it?
got to the point where I dropped my knickers whenever I walked into a doctors surgery :rotfl:

perhaps she was just a bit crap today :wink: if you've never been asked to do it before.
Sometimes i have to do the pillow thingy when i have a smear, i have a 'retroverted' uterus or (something along them lines!) I think it might be a posh way of saying tilted? Anyhow, I conceived twice within 3 months (had mc first time) so it doesnt really matter I think. :D
libs said:
got to the point where I dropped my knickers whenever I walked into a doctors surgery :rotfl:

perhaps she was just a bit crap today :wink: if you've never been asked to do it before.

Yeah I think that's it. Nothing wrong with me she's just crap :rotfl:
I think she might be crap too lol, as when i went ot have my coil taken out the doctor couldn't find it and sent me to the hospital (which i had to wait 3 weeks for the appointment) to have an internal scan to see if it was still there, and it was!! So i went back and saw my normal doctor and he took it out within 3 mins!!! :wall:
This will make you all laugh.....

When I had my last smear I was lying there like you do (thinking "God this is the most ridiculous situation!") and the nurse was fiddling about saying "Hmmm I can't see your cervix".

Well I started wondering where it had gone to and wondering why it couldn't just behave and show up like everyone else's when she says:

"Actually can you just stand up and jump about a bit?"!!!! :rotfl:

I thought she was joking but she was serious. I nearly died! There I was naked from the waist down, trying to preserve what little was left of my dignity with the small sheet in front of my bits, with her going "Jump up and down! Jog on the spot! Come on, a bit more!" :oops: :oops: :oops:

Well, by the time I was allowed back on the bed my cervix had somehow made a re-appearance but afterwards I dived out of there wishing never to go back! Talk about embarressing! :shock:
noooooooooo :oops: : :oops: :oops: rotfl:

maybe its worth a bit of jumping up and down before bding then - so the spermies can get to the cervix more easily :rotfl:
lol omg thats so embarrasin.

skairdy i have to raise my bits too coz my cervix is so far back so might be the same for you.
libs said:
noooooooooo :oops: : :oops: :oops: rotfl:

maybe its worth a bit of jumping up and down before bding then - so the spermies can get to the cervix more easily :rotfl:

Don't tempt me :rotfl: :rotfl:

I would have been mortified daisy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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