what do you miss?

I miss:

My clothes and underwear!
Feeling sexy!
Tanning Booths! Im soooo pale!
Fags! Oh lovely lovely menthol fags!! :cry:
Booze! I would love a long drink of cold lager.mmmm Im soooo classy!
Runny eggs!
Dry Roasted peanuts!
My xmas eggnog!
My small boobs! I hate the boobs I have now!! Cannot wait for them to shrink!
Love the pics! You guys make me feel so tame. I'm obviously a bit quieter than you guys :P i don't have a single drunk pic (and in fact if i'm honest i've never been totally out of it!). I'm a good girl :P

I miss brie. So much. I do like brie and crackers and i'm sad i can't have it.

I miss being able to fit through small gaps. I nearly knocked some poor guy over getting through a gap today. I fitted, but the bump didn't, ooops.lol
Pictures are excellent, here's a particularly "classy" one of me...


Can I confess to still taking hot baths? Connie doesn't seem to mind much, well until I start singing to her anyway.
debecca said:
Pictures are excellent, here's a particularly "classy" one of me...
Can I confess to still taking hot baths? Connie doesn't seem to mind much, well until I start singing to her anyway.

i CONFESS to having hot showers and Colier dosn't seem to mind
And :rotfl: Rebecca My Collier does NOT like my singing either.
The other day i was singing along to Whithey Houston and he started to kick me repeatedly i stopped to marvel at me Son
And he stopped kicking so i resumed singing and Collier began kicking in ernist.
James said he can understand why his Son has taste (ie my music is C*** and so is my singing) I clonked him on the head. :rotfl:
I miss my card making. I haven't got the mojo or the energy for it and a small person is going to take my craft making room so much of my stuff will need to be rehomed.

I also miss being able to have normal situations without wanting to burst into tears

and i miss my marbles, my memory is completly gone.

Oh my what i miss

  • 1) My Energy oh lord i miss my energy :pray: :pray: please come back.
    2) Looking human and not like someone who hasn't slept for a decade :bored: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
    3) Being able to run and keep my weight at bay (couldn't keep it up for dizzy spells) :roll:
    4) Being able to hide my tubby belly - baby phump is pushing it out for the world to see :oops:
    5) Oh my friend VODKA & diet Coke, a good white wine with a meal and a G&T after a hard day at work :cry: :cry:
    6) Being able to dye my hair block blonde when ever i wanted
    7) Being able to pick up stuff and do stuff without people going you shouldn't / carn't do that now!! :evil:

But like you all say it will all be worth it but i miss them all the same

Oh yeah i missed one

8) Being able to have opinions, feelings and emotions without people going its your hormones aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh no its not its cos of what you said to pee me off........ Arrrrggggghhhhhh :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


But the truth is it probably is my hormones :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I miss my clothes!! And being comfortable in things that arnt jogging bottoms of PJ', and i wanna be able to buy clothes in a size 8
I miss my bum, all you see now is my belly and my bum looks tiny :(
I miss lifting things, i get told off if i try and lift things in work, even the girls try and take things off me
I miss being hit on and flirting
I miss not needing to pee 5 times an hour
I miss sleep
I miss my biggest concern in life being uni work
and I miss my relationship being fun and new and carefree and being able to spend the night in the pub getting drunk

I love the fact my life has new meaning
I love listening to my baby and feeling him in me
I love the fact it's brought me and my OH closer together and sharing it with him

oh and i have to admit to still having hot showers and baths, i wouldnt enjoy them if they were cooler, and it doesnt seem to bother him too much, though i do find his heartrate is raised after i've showered, but then so is mine

Clare x
Sarah - Sh1tney Houston?!

No wonder Collier is having a mard :rotfl:
debecca said:
Sarah - Sh1tney Houston?!

No wonder Collier is having a mard :rotfl:

:rotfl: Have to agree there :rotfl:

I'm now craving lager thanks to you Rebecca (keep going to call you Bex as thats also my sister's name :) ) hmmmmmm cold beer :)

I miss being able to drink lager too, I tried a Stella Shandy last time we went out and it made me feel really sick so I couldn't drink it :shakehead:
Ooooh I love lager. Now i'm craving one. I tried non-alcholoc beer, and all i can say is DON'T it's disgusting :(

I miss being able to get in and out of a chair without help/ a great deal of effort.

I also too have the occassional hot bath, not tooo hot, but sometimes it's so soothing and helps my sore back.
Ah, the irony... I actually hate lager and that's my husband's can on the picture!!

You can call me Bex Andrea! It's my preferred name anyway! (I just hate Becky) xxxx
That's funny , my sister doesn't like Becky either... Bex it is then :)

For some reason my Mum calls me Ange - it's not even my name, I really don't like it but I've given up telling her, bless :)
debecca said:
Sarah - Sh1tney Houston?!

No wonder Collier is having a mard :rotfl:

CHEEKY :shakehead:
I dont care i like her :talkhand:


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