Some kind words please...


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Sep 28, 2008
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Just wondered if anyone else was feeling like they'd lost themselves slightly? I am absolutely over the moon to be pregnant (23 weeks now! :D ), and we're both so excited about it. I'm self-employed and work is really slow at the moment, I can't wear all my nice clothes or underwear anymore, I can't go running with my ipod, can't have a glass or two of wine etc etc. I just feel like I've got nothing to talk about other than the baby or our wedding and I don't feel attractive. My bloke is amazing and it's not him that's made me feel like this, and I wouldn't change the situation for the world, but am just feeling a bit lost and boring at the mo. Any tips/ideas to perk me up ( I hate feeling like a misery guts!)
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel the same..infact I feel that I've been pregnant for 2 years now LOL didn't have a chance to loose weight, and I do look miserable! I miss jogging as well and feeling fit and healthy! but u should keep in mind u are going to have a BABY :cheer: and that's the most amazing thing u'll ever have in ur life and u'll feel a different kind of love that can't be explained! so these things should really cheer u up..although having a baby would also keep u occupied all of the time so u should try and think of ways to entertain ur self and child once it's born..whenever u feel fit again u can go walking in the park with ur LO and meet other mums..there is plenty to do..just keep thinking positive and u'll be happy :)
Hi nellybelly!

Oh god, I know how you feel! I used to feel great walking into work in heels in my favourite skirts/dresses and blouses that fit me really well but now I don't fit into any of my work clothes and having to walk into work in my baggy clothes and having my colleagues tell me how big I'm getting.. and not being able to get up from my chair without my back hurting.. feeling so tired all the time and not being able to sleep properly.. losing my mind at work and forgetting simple things.. it's just not me and it's really starting to get to me!

The way I try to combat it is to eat loads of fresh fruit and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice.. I've bought a couple of pairs of smart trousers for work and a some wrap-around shirts that will grow with me as time goes by which have made me feel better about my ever-changing shape. I know how boring it can get and time can pass slowly.. I usually write blogs about my pregnancy to help me understand what is going on, and being on this forum, being in contact with other ladies who are going through the same thing and sharing stories really helps. I've invested in some good reads for the next few months which keep my mind off the droll of the winter months passing slowly.. I got some Waterstones vouchers from family at Christmas and it's so far proven to be very handy! There's nothing to say you can't still go on walks with your iPod on.. I do it on my commute to and from work.. fab for you, fab for baby!

Sorry you're feeling so blue at the moment.. time will pass quickly, believe me! And when it does, you'll probably wish you were 23 weeks again.. lol

Sending some hugs your way :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope things look up for you soon hun :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: Aw hon xx

I have to say I've been feeling the opposite, in that I feel I've found myself for the first time in my life. But having said that this week has been really rough. I've been fed up and feeling low and just mooching around. It's starting to hit me how unprepared we are and how fast the weeks are flying.

Last night OH put his foot down and made us a ploughmans lunch with loats of fresh fruit and veg and packed me off for a good sleep. I have to say it's worked wonders I feel much better.

Try some nice pick me up food and getting out for a walk or something. xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: Aw hon xx

I have to say I've been feeling the opposite, in that I feel I've found myself for the first time in my life. But having said that this week has been really rough. I've been fed up and feeling low and just mooching around. It's starting to hit me how unprepared we are and how fast the weeks are flying.

Last night OH put his foot down and made us a ploughmans lunch with loats of fresh fruit and veg and packed me off for a good sleep. I have to say it's worked wonders I feel much better.

Try some nice pick me up food and getting out for a walk or something. xxx
I don't know what to say because I haven't felt like you do during my whole pregnancy...I'm the opposite because I make the best of it all. I know I can't wear my sexy La Senza bras anymore, but I make sure that I alays have nice and flattering maternity wear on. I get my hair cut regularly and make sure I always wear make up when I go out. The only time I really felt down in the dumps was during my weeks of sickness but now I'm enjoying it and making the most of relaxing and taking it easy. I know I'll lose all my baby weight and be a yummy mummy once she's born! :wink:

You've just gotta do the things that make you feel good and embrace your changing shape. You're doing the most wonderful thing in the world by having a baby. If I'm ever down I picture the first time my baby will smile back at me and that keeps me going xxx
I'm 25 weeks and feeling the same. I'm starting to get frustrated because I'm not be able to do things that i used to do and I'm also worrying about work and where I'll be when I return. I am reassured though that once the baby is here all the worry will disappear and I won't care about it as much.

Fingers crossed
S x
We need to think of all the things we can only do when pregnant and enjoy those!

Mine include:
- Getting hubby to help with the house
- Being able to crawl into bed whenever I feel like it and not feel guilty
- Getting to buy whatever food I want and eat it when i feel like it
- Going shopping with a cute baby bump that ppl love to look at
- Putting my hand on my bump to feel its strong kicks which always make me smile with pride

Before we know it, they will be here demanding all our time and attention without sleeping through the night so I think this stage is good while it lasts! :cheer:

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