Do you use your mobile while driving?

I text to tell DH if I am stuck in traffic and well I'm stuck in traffic so I'm not technically driving, its more parked with the engine running and the hand break off :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It drives me nuts to see people on mobiles while driving. I dont think using them at traffic lights is much better either but that may be because i was stuck behind some stupid woman so absorbed in texting on her phone this morning she missed the lights changing. If you are at the wheel of your car with the engine switched on then answering your phone is illegal, its as simple as that.
LisaJ1986 said:
I do very rarely, but it's usually when i'm the only car on the road. And it's to quickly say 'I'm almost home' to let my OH know to come help me with the shopping. He's a Warcraft addict so needs to find a 'safe place' before he comes. I never text though. It's more distracting.

You may be the only car on the road, it may only be a quick call,

But it only takes a sec for someone to step out, for a animal to run into the road or a car to appear from somewere..... those few seconds on that phone could turn into something a lot worse

I dont drive but voted just to see other peoples answers

I ahve many a time nearly been hit at traffic lights because a person is to busy on there phone to see the red light,
In asda the other day my friend narrowly missed her pushchair getting swiped because a person in the car was looking down either at a phone or playing with the radio.

If I see someone on a phone I will signal to them with hands as to say get off the fookin phone you idiot|!!
I've never, ever looked away from the road! I know how to call and cancel on my phone without even looking at it. And it's once in a blue moon. I never look at my phone. And i don't answer calls. If i hear my phone ringing i leave it til i pull over. Generally i pull over if i call someone. If i need to call while driving (and it is literally saying 'almost home' hang up) there is no one round. There is no cars, not paths and you can see there is no one walking. I'm very careful.
:oops: yes iv done it. and iv reached around the back of the seat, pulled out a can of coke, opened it and held it with one hand only using my little finger wrapped around the steering wheel intermittently taking it off completely to take a drink :oops: iv done my make-up, fiddled around with the CD changer, taken my coat off or put one on, allsorts :oops:
im a better driver these days tho much better
Squiglet said:
I text to tell DH if I am stuck in traffic and well I'm stuck in traffic so I'm not technically driving, its more parked with the engine running and the hand break off :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

same here.. lol I text the BRMB travel line to say congestion on junction blah blah of the m6, then i text OH also to say how sh*tty the traffic is and it doesn't matter what time I leave I always get in late...

so yeah, texts sometimes but only important ones or if i'm in first gear in a car park (m6)
I answer if it's my husband or mother cos they will only keep ringing.

I also have to reach round in to the back of the car to pick things up for DD as her shouting would be more distracting when driving. Personally I think this is more dangerous than answering a quick call to say 'I'm driving & I'll ring you back'
No, but i dont drive and the times tommo has answered his phone ive ripped it off him and hung up and told him what a bloody idiot he is.

Because i dont care what anyone thinks - only idiots use their phones while driving. I have lost family members to people who have been on their phones and not concentrating on driving.
I'm sorry but if you use your phone whilst driving a car your an idiot plain and simple! In fact there was a report released today saying people who use there phone whilst driving have a slower reaction time than those on drink and drugs. I wouldn't mind if it was only your life you were risking.. go ahead kill yourself but your putting others at risk and it's pathetic. All for a text :? (using a bluetooth headset of course is different for calls)
i hate seeing people driving using mobiles.i never ever do it.never have never will.its not your life you put at risk if you have kids in the car its theirs too.1 lapse of concentration is all it takes.could you live with yourself?
i put all the time because I do. However its a loudspeaker use and its not conversations or anything, it will only be if OH rings me and its like ''are you nearly home'' ''yes 5 mins'' ''ok bye'' type of thing, but its on the seat next to me not in my hands.

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