i love
My tattoos
my music taste
my oh and my beautiful kids
The fact that in 4 or 5 years i may have achieved my goal and become a midwife.
the fact my oh still finds me as sexy as he did 13 years ago.
my hair at the moment

i hate
being tall and skinny (5 ft 9 and 7 stone 13)
my depression (luckly i am brill at the moment and have been for about 5 months.) :pray:
that my kids are growing up i want them to stay babies. :D
i love my eyes
being a natural blonde
my body the top half any way i have a few stretch marks on my thighs now!!
i love everything really i must admit im very big headed but then thats me.
i love my friends so much i have 4 bestest friends

i hate that i cant wrap lillie away from all the bad things in the world
i spose i hate my feet a bit they get puffy somtimes eww.

you should love yourself were all special in our own ways xx

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