What do you do??!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I am going stir crazy!

Evie is far too content for her own good- her toys entertain her more than i do and she'd rather be in her bouncy chair than with me :talkhand: She sleeps from about 9 til 7 now so I don't need to nap with her in the day.
Our flat is only small so it takes me a max of 2 hoursto tidy it and daytime TV sucks!
We go to M&B group on Mondays and my mates come round every Thursday for lunch but I hate being cooped up inside- esp. when it's raining.

Yesterday I was so bored I thought about starting to make purees and freezing them to use in a couple of months :roll: :wall:

Other than PF what do you do??!! :think:
Give her a few more weeks and she'll need more entertaining!

My Evie gets bored after about 5 minutes these days :roll:
agree with plikers , at 5 months they want entertaining the whole day ! and if you fail they will let u now by spending the whole day screaming , its a case of rotating from toy to toy every 10 mins !

i did way to much shopping when leland was evies age just cos it was easy cos he slept and it got me out of the house , im still trying to break to shop when bored habit :wall: :oops:

otherwise think i just spent my time online :oops:
Gem & Leland said:
agree with plikers , at 5 months they want entertaining the whole day ! and if you fail they will let u now by spending the whole day screaming , its a case of rotating from toy to toy every 10 mins !

i did way to much shopping when leland was evies age just cos it was easy cos he slept and it got me out of the house , im still trying to break to shop when bored habit :wall: :oops:

otherwise think i just spent my time online :oops:

At 5 months? What about at less than 4? LOL

Luke wants entertaining ALL the time. Screams if I leave the room and is generally a massive attention seeker. Such fun! LMAO.
Charlie only has cat naps through the day and when he is awake he needs constant attention so I usually have about 20 things on the go at the same time :roll:

Not fair, I wanna be bored too :shakehead:
clean up/tidy :bored: :bored:
chat on here
go for walks
go into town
thats it :? :cry:
Callums the same... he just sleeps all the time

I go for walks when its not raining

My mates come round quite a bit


Cleaning/washing ect

and newly added to the addition , fitness dvd
now.. work :wall:

when alice was younger, i found that i could fit in a different mother and baby group everyday!

Do you know electric avenue, the m&b group on the corner there? Well they used to do LOADS of different groups, baby massage, baby signing, even a lunchtime group. £2.00 and you got a cooked lunch and desert as well as teas and coffees and they tended to have a HV you could speak to if you wanted to!

there used to be a few keep fit classes which where designed for mums with young kids.

if i think of anything else i will letyou know :)
My goodness! I honestly don't know what I'd do with my time either! Phoebe needs entertaining ALL day, screams cos she's tired, then forgets she's tired, then it starts all over again.

Spose I'm lucky she sleeps at night quite well - though having a baby that needs entertaining and doesn't sleep during the day is pretty exhausting at times.

Wanna swap for the day? :rotfl:

You are always welcome to take a trip on down to Chelmsford - you can both come and entertain Phoebs for the day :cheer: :cheer:

Netmums is good for meeting local people too - I've met about 3 new friends through that. My weeks fill up quite quickly now thankfully.
:hug: :hug:
I know exactly what you can do.

Swap babies with me 8)

I would LOVE to have 2 minutes just to do nothing :lol:
lol ive got plenty of washing and ironing round here if your that bored :lol: enjoy the boredem while it lasts i use to moan to my OH when i was bored as ky often takes a 4 hour nap in the day! Im back to work tomorrow and have suddenly realised id rather be a million times bored then go back to work!!

Lol sad really over the last 6 months ive become addicted to jeremy kyle :oops: i totally agree with G3M i cant go anywhere near town or i spend money i dont have! sooo basically i sit on my arse infront of the computer when hes sleeping. like i said though come tomorrow when im knackered after working 10 hours with other peoples babies id do anything to be sat at home chilling!

Oh do you read?! lol very boring but i think ive read my weight in books since having ky. like the others said when they get older and they are awake you'll be spending your time picking up toys they've thrown on the floor and expect you to pick up instantly!
You could log onto netmums.com and get a list of local mother and baby groups to go to. I didn't take Isaac till he was about 8 months but looking back now I should have taken him much younger, just to get me out and about if nothing else! I also still spend quite alot of time window shopping in town with Isaac :D
Jade! first of all, daytime tv is the best! how can u not enjoy jeremy kyle, phillip & fern, ricki lake and judge judy? :shakehead: :lol: ooh i love trash its super! hehe

also, whats wrong with freezing puree! lol i do it every week its convenience food but as healthy as fresh then! millie eats my frozen purees and veggie mush all the time :lol:

erm, apart from that, i'd say just make the most of it! millie was a really really chilled newborn, and slept thru after a few weeks- but at 4 months that all went tits up! :lol: she started waking up evry hour thru the nite, which carried on for 4 months- and also she started to show a need for entertaining i could no longer just put her in the moses basket and hav a mammoth trisha/PF session! :lol:

all my free time im here! i dont get so much lately hehe
well you could come see sarah :wink: :D
i lead a boring life
monday - town
tuesday - Brays day
Wednesday - work me nursery Bray
thursday- possible work or clean me Nursery Bray
Friday - SAME ^
Saturday - work or spending time with chris me, nans and grandads bray
Sunday - SAME ^
Right, Sarah. Next week, I'm dead busy this week...

I am going to come and see you. Honest to God. PM me where you want to meet- I reckon I can manage Colchester way- I managed London on me own!
laracomps said:
My goodness! I honestly don't know what I'd do with my time either! Phoebe needs entertaining ALL day, screams cos she's tired, then forgets she's tired, then it starts all over again.

Spose I'm lucky she sleeps at night quite well - though having a baby that needs entertaining and doesn't sleep during the day is pretty exhausting at times.

Wanna swap for the day? :rotfl:

You are always welcome to take a trip on down to Chelmsford - you can both come and entertain Phoebs for the day :cheer: :cheer:

Netmums is good for meeting local people too - I've met about 3 new friends through that. My weeks fill up quite quickly now thankfully.
:hug: :hug:

God, I swear Phoebe IS Connie. Luckily we've discovered the afternoon nap in the last few days... woohoo! Hence why I'm on here. She also slept through last night did 9pm til 10am with dreamfeeds at 11pm and 6am.

Jade, I'm pretty bored too. The difference is I probably do have housework to do but it's cleaning the loo and I don't want to. Ha ha!
debecca said:
Jade, I'm pretty bored too. The difference is I probably do have housework to do but it's cleaning the loo and I don't want to. Ha ha!

OK, I admit it. Now she's been asleep 2 hours I'm really bored and yes, I did clean all the sinks and loos in the house AND put away the washing AND the stuff from the dishwasher and have reloaded the dishwasher.

Yep, she REALLY needs to wake up now :rotfl:
This is a typical week . . .

Monday - Tescos
Tuesday - my dad comes round
Wednesday - was baby group run by HVs, but now I am going to try and go to the 'big scream' cinema showings for mums and babies (do they do them at your cinema?)
Thurs - go to my mum's
Friday - chillout, walks, see friends.
Weekend - with OH - town, church, see friends etc

Lucky for me I have some friends who are off work who I see quite often and my family are local.

Might join the local baby group, but not sure, bit shy!!!!

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