What do you do with LO's old clothes?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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We've got bags of clothes/sleepsuits that don't fit Poppy anymore building up. I had seperated things into different bags and was going to sell the good quality things on ebay, and give the rest to charity shops. But a few people are saying to me I should keep most of it in case I have another girl! I can't keep most of it, I don't have the room! And OH keeps saying he doesn't want to get rid of it for sentimental reasons, but there is a small bag of things I am keeping for that reason (her first outfit etc).

What do you do with all your LO's clothes that no longer fit?
I've started packing stuff away in plastic boxes for the next one, luckily enough we have plenty of space in the loft. I keep the plastic box under her cot until I've filled it then move it up to the loft and will start on the next one!
I'm Not getting rid of anything!!! It's all in big bags in the loft. I love all his clothes - otherwise I wouldn't have bought them - and I'd kick myself if the next ones a boy! We ate keeping them in the loft, but could you maybe store them t your parents or Something??
I've given the majority of F's old cloths to our friend who's little boy us due next week :) but list if our stuff was given to us in the first place! I've also got a bag of cloths I'm keeping, favourites etc!
We have very little room so I use those bags where you suck all the air out....I've done this and labeled them newborn, 0-3 months etc and put them in the loft! Saves loads of space sucking the air out! Get about 6 bags for £10 from Argos x

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Thanks, the bags sound like a fab idea. We have got a loft, perhaps we'll find space up there somewhere!
Oh lulu - one thing for defo - it will be very hard to sustain keeping everything, I did this too, thinking i'd have another girl/baby, I ended up by the time she was about 2/3 we had 17 bin bags full to the brim (no joke) & me & OH had massive arguments about it, he said what will the house be like if you continue thro her childhood, as we only have a small 2 bedroomed house. I ended up having to give it all away, there was even too much to ebay the stuff, didn't have time, I kept a small bag full of things like her first pair of shoes, first dress, ect ect.

If you look at how much you have already & your LO is how old?? Think of the same amount again every few months! Its alot of stuff!

Ive either given to others or given to charity. I just don't have to space to keep everything! I also don't know when/if I'll have another so figured there was no point in keeping them. Ive kept a few bits and pieces though :)
I kept everything neutral for if i have another baby. everything else i've ebay'd, sold on here etc took some stuff to charity and the rest is in bin bags in the loft! xx
It might sound a bit silly but iv been trying to take a photo of kayden in all his nice outfits (as & when he has them on) to compensate the fact we'll be getting rid.


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