What do you call their - erm - bits???

Aww hats sweet though, better then her screaming at you shs wiped her vagina lol! even though its the correct terminlogy, it wouldnt sound right coming out of a little girls mouth would it? :D
yehanit is cute.. i would never ever want her to say fanny or vagina in schol..its just not right..i know vagina is the correct term.. but still.. i think if a kid said it an adult would be quite embarresed..
Rosebay said:
My mum went for calling private parts by their more medical names but I've gone for "willy" for Elliott so far. He has only just noticed it really, my OH was changing his nappy this morning and apparently Elliott waved at it as the new nappy was going on and said "bye bye willy"! :rotfl:


Ah, bless him! :rotfl: :rotfl:
My boys call thiers willy's or sometimes a todger.

When callum first saw me change lily's nappy he asked me why she had 2 bums :rotfl:

Don't really know what to say when they ask what girls are called, I've called it flower before (watched to much friends).

I say noo noo but that is some kind of comfort thing, I don't want Thomas growing up thinking he can seek comfort in a noo noo!!!
We call Erin's her "bits" or "nethers". Asked her once to put her knickers on otherwise she'll get chilly nethers and it kind of stuck....

For a boy, I'd probably call it his "winky".
We told LO it was a foo foo as he used to call it a vangelina :oops: so we had to get him to call it something else!!!
Paris calls hers a wanjit and she's called it that since being 2
I call a boys a willy, and a girls a moo.(don't ask why.)
God, someof those were hilarious! My son calls his his "tommy" - as in todger! dont know why really. as for noo-noo...my son used to call his dummy that when he was little so i howled at that!
We call my little girl' her 'bits'. DH is comfortable with that - blimmin' men!

Actually, i don't mind - my mam called mine my 'foo foo' I don't like it

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