What do u think of...


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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For a girl, Breagh, it's pronounced brea and is Celtic for beautiful, my mum just suggested it :) x
Never heard it before but I love it!!!
Though I am not a native English speaker so things probably sound different to me :)
Does it mean sth?
Oh right it means beautiful, just reread your post :) love it
Ha ha yea it's sweet, bre-a I think is easiest way to sound it, we like grace as a middle name so Breagh Grace Davies but team yellow so not a clue what we are having! X
I do like it, it's unusual but not too "out there"

I love the pronounciation of it and it sounds nice with the middle name, but I not keen on the spelling!
I'm sure the spelling can be changed Briea or Brea or Brieh etc!! X
I like the name but also don'tlike the spelling. Brea looks alot nicer :) x
Gorgeous name! My Partners mum has named her dog breagh (dont let that put you off) otherwise I would have it on my list! X
I'm gonna agree with some of the other posters here- It's a lovely name, and Celtic names are some of the best! But the spelling is all that bugs me but it's just one of those things :)
The spelling bugged me, I wouldn't necessarily spell it that way but thats the proper way, I wouldn't have a problem changing the spelling of any name to make it look nicer!!!
Now my favourite girls name has been no 1 on the popularity list today on the news I want to change it!!!! X
I really like the spelling, I think it looks lovely written down xx
Breia looks nicer I think and it's a pretty name xx

I love the meaning. So pretty. And good choice of middle name. I wished I could have had Grace as a first name (after my granny). Xxx

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I love it! Love the spelling too. I don't like the spelling of Brea as it looks like it should say Bread ;)
P.s Once you change the spelling it kind of seems like a made up name. When people ask, you want to be able to say, "it's Celtic for Beautiful" etc! Be brave and go for it!

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