What do braxton hicks feel like?!

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I know I'm still in tri 2 for a couple more weeks but thought you guys would know my answer more!
I never got braxton hicks with lacey and don't think I've had them yet with little man but was wondering, what do they feel like? I know what contractions feel like and heard they milder forms of that but how do you tell them apart from signs of early labour?!

Sorry for coming into tri 3 with proberly a silly question lol
well i think they feel like ya belly goes really really tight and comfortable but not painful. u can telkl when i'm havung 1 2 as my belly a funny shape
theres no pain at all with mine. I feel it, kind of similar feeling to when the baby tries to stretch an arm or leg out. At first I was like WTF is this baby doing? I thought he was pushing his whole back out or something. Now theyre really strong and I swear my bump feels as hard as stone when I have them. But not any pain at all. OH can see my bump move when it starts, it kind of lifts up a bit. Then after its faded LO has a good old wriggle to get comfy again!
Same as the other girls have said really, Your belly just goes rock solid. I have no idea I was having them until I went to see the midwife and she went to feel where the baby was and my stomach was too solid lol. I cant feel a thing though. Just feels crazy solid if I touch it, mostly at the top.
theres no pain at all with mine. I feel it, kind of similar feeling to when the baby tries to stretch an arm or leg out. At first I was like WTF is this baby doing? I thought he was pushing his whole back out or something. Now theyre really strong and I swear my bump feels as hard as stone when I have them. But not any pain at all. OH can see my bump move when it starts, it kind of lifts up a bit. Then after its faded LO has a good old wriggle to get comfy again!

I get exactly what you've explained! It feels like babies turning over in my stomach but stretching at the same time!! I've always wondered what their like! Thanks lovelys x x
Exactly what Tiny explained! :-) My bump lifts a little and goes into a rock hard lump! lol x
same as the others :)

it goes hard and tense with literally no pain at all.

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