What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

Is he feeding himself or are you doing it? Maybe switch it round? Then he can explore it and may try some that way.I struggle spoonfeedin d.have to preload the spoon for him to do.

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i do a mix of blw and tw, even if i cut up for him what i would spoon feed, he wont eat it! he will happily feed him self sanwiches, snacks, bananas etc.... but wont touch things like roast potatoes cut up, chicken in bits, veg cut up....nothing. arghhhhhhhhhhh.

breakfast, 6oz cows milk. peanut butter on toast

lunch, hipp organic spaghetti bolognese toddler meal. ATE THE WHOLE THING BUT WONT EAT MY SPAG BOL!!!!!!! dont get it!!!!!!

dinner, salmon and avacado sandwich, banana, yoghurt

4oz cows milk at bedtime.
Bad day, rice krispies and toast for breakfast, about two tea spoons of beans and a fruit pot and he's rejected dinner even his after of peach in.custard been rejected. Do I let him go without til morning or give in and give somethin he likes?!
Haven't been on here in a while, but today zac has had:-

8oz cows milk
Some of my peanut butter on toast
Bowl of cheerios
Another 4oz milk (he never normally has this)
A banana
Some apple
Pasta with meatball sauce
1 and a half yoghurts
Another 8 oz of cows milk
Some organix puffs
Chicken paella
3 strawberries

Wow he has been a piggy today! X
Bad day, rice krispies and toast for breakfast, about two tea spoons of beans and a fruit pot and he's rejected dinner even his after of peach in.custard been rejected. Do I let him go without til morning or give in and give somethin he likes?!

beef stew for tea..he didnt eat it so has gone without, no pudding etc

milk later and thats it.

from what ive read from other girls im going with this approach so hopefully he learns that he has to eat whats infront of him... or nothing. have u seen my fussy eater thread?!?


up to you though hun!

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today Dylans been way of routine times! he's teething and al he wats to do is sleep :(

7.30 bowl of baby fruit cereal

9.30 6oz milk

1.30 tuna sandwich breadstick kiwi apple and grapes

3pm 8oz milk

now sitting down for dinner in like 5 mins and if he wants it he can have homemade potato wedges and breaded plaice. been asleep most of since 5 and only woke up 15ish mins ago so in theory skipped his dinner time! :/ but its blw so eating not all that important

hell then be given a 8oz bottle which he can have as much of as he wants
Liver ( I can't stand it myself)
We r having fish benachin
Bad day, rice krispies and toast for breakfast, about two tea spoons of beans and a fruit pot and he's rejected dinner even his after of peach in.custard been rejected. Do I let him go without til morning or give in and give somethin he likes?!

how are you getting on hun?? hope ok. we are at a stand still agaian. went to baby group yesterday and he actually ate GRAPES! hes always rejected them for me.

so yesterday was like this

breakfast - 7oz cows milk, toast
lunch - cheese and tuna sandwich, 1 yoghurt
dinner - chicken and veg HIPP risotto - all rejected
bedtime - 8oz cows milk

SNACKS, rice cake, grapes,breadsticks,cucumber at playgroup
how are you getting on hun?? hope ok. we are at a stand still agaian. went to baby group yesterday and he actually ate GRAPES! hes always rejected them for me.

so yesterday was like this

breakfast - 7oz cows milk, toast
lunch - cheese and tuna sandwich, 1 yoghurt
dinner - chicken and veg HIPP risotto - all rejected
bedtime - 8oz cows milk

SNACKS, rice cake, grapes,breadsticks,cucumber at playgroup

is it all hot food?? have u tried ellas kitchen pouches?? they can be hot or cold and dylan never liked hot food to start with so were perfect for him...
We are not improving at all. Today was 7oz milk and small yoghurt for breakfast, banana which was his fave food for months rejected. Potato waffle munched on for lunch and then some custard. Some organix puffs and a cereal bar for snacks, grapes rejected, was being fussy so some fruit puree for tea, I hate him goin to bed with just milk in his tummy :(
setdse... he loves ellas pouches, but i wanted him to eat proper adult food iykwim.... ive got some of them for our train trip at weekend cos i know he will eat them and they wont be messy!!

kay....oh no...sorry its not gone well...
today all marley has had for lunch and dinner has been cheese sanwiches, organix puffs and a banana and yoghurt.

Yh I understand avd u wanted to solely blw but at the end of the day I think u need to weigh up the pros n cons and weather puree would help get more into him and healthier too iykeim

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i refuse to give puree now that he is 1, even the 3rd stage ellas pOuches! he is capable of chewing, and does now and again eat the steamed toddler meals which are alot more textured. today was alright ISH...............

breakfast / 7oz milk, toast
lunch/ cheese and pickle sandiwch, yoghurt, grapes and banana
dinner/ half waffle actually eaten, 2 bites of pork sausage, peas and carrots, mainly played with. youghurt.
snacks / cheese cubes, breadstick, rice cake

milk later before bed
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Sorry Amy I'm on my phone so can't see any tickers x Yh I see your point with purees. Have u tried talking to ur hv?

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Bottle 7oz
1 slice toast with cheese
1/2 bowl mince soup ( with vegs n potatoe) a small slice from baguette with hommus
Homemade chili breadsticks
Cheese and parsley mash, spicy onions and 2 meatballs, green beans
Bottle 5 oz
better day today

breakfast. 6oz cows milk, toast
lunch. chicken and stuffing sandwich, grapes and banana, yoghurt
snack. breadsticks, rice cake
dinner, sausage, peas, mashed potato and sweede, onion gravy. not a huge portion, but satisfactory eaten.

6oz cows milk at bed.
wake up 8am (ish)

breast feed
2 slices of VOGEL wholegrain toast (with various seeds and stuff added) with salt free butter and a scrape of marmite

half a muffin

9-bar - 9 different seeds with honey and a carob topping
school bar (dried fruit bar)

2pm (he has a late lunch after sleeping)

last nights spag bol, extra cheese and pasta


salmon, roasted potato and sweet potato, courgettes and sweetcorn

breast milk


(that was yesterday but is quite indicative of what we eat, often he has a sandwich rather than spag bol obviously :) )

breakfast, 6oz cows milk, half a croissant
lunch, beef, potatoes,carrots, cabbage peas and gravy mashed. smallish portion eaten. apples and custard.

snack. youghurt
dinner was missed, so he had 6oz milk around 6pm, and 2 weetabix with 6oz milk at 8pm for supper before bed!

think hes gradually gettling slightly better....ish...just a little....lol.
yesterday lo had>

7oz bottle on waking
porridge with 4oz milk, half slice toast for breakfast
salmon and cream cheese sandwich, 1 banana, 1 yoghurt for lunch,
handful of grapes, 1 rice cake for afternoon snack
mashed veg and gravy, 1 meatball, yoghurt for dinner
7oz milk at bedtime

i think we had an ok day yesterday!

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