What did you pack to go home in?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi-I am just starting to get my hospital bag together-was just wondering what everyone packed to wear home?
I don't know what will fit me after I've given birth.
I'm more concerened about the trousers as I know I could just wear a loose fitting top..don't know if it will need to be maternity trousers-the black trousers I have didn't fit me properly until I was about 28 weeks??? however I have some maternity jeans that are now a big tight!! :oops:

Any ideas??? What did everyone else do?
Tie up trackie bottoms that I wear around the house now. So will fit regardless. Not worried about squishing into jeans or any such thing in case need something more loose fitting due to stiches etc.
i wore similar to sherlock when coming home with DS. you still quite big at that stage i found lol. wouldnt have fitted regular clothes
I had some maternity jeans that were pretty stretchy but I'd just outgrown them towards the end... I wore them home as they had a belt on them which I just adjusted to suit me.
I just wore smart comfy trousers with an elasticate waist
I wore my maternity jeans but just tightened up the buttons on the inside so they wouldn't keep falling down when I was going home :lol:
I wore my maternity jeans that had been starting to get a bit tight at the end, and they were just right.
I would say I looked about 5 months preg in the couple of days after (only squishy tum not nice and firm bump!!) if thats any help? Just be comfy and allow for the huge wodge of maternity pads you will have in your pants!! :lol:
I went home in my nighty and dressing gown :lol: I took some trackie bottoms in and couldn't get them past my thighs from swelling :rotfl: Luckily it was night when I went home! I also had slippers on too cos my feet were too swollen to put trainers on. I looked amazing! This time I am taking whatever fits me near the end :lol:
I just went home in the same maternity clothes I'd gone there in the night before! They were under the bump elasticated jeans so they still fitted fine.
I ended up wearing the jeans I went into hospital wearing as I didn't have time to pack anythingt else and certainly wasn't going to in the middle of shitty contractions :lol:

they were maternity jeans that were too big anyway so had a belt on - they fall down constantly now as I lost all the baby weight giving birth :lol:

I did manage to pack a top though :lol: just a loose tshirt
I wore some combat trousers with elastic waist and toggles and a tracky top :)
Something comfy..whatever you do, dont take your normal size jeans in (v.optimistic 1st time mum me thinks!). I walked out with hosp notes covering my open flies :rotfl:
LOL Katie05
Yeh I wore pants with an elasticated waist with my two sons (same pants lol) and I have no idea what I wore after i had my daughter?? hee hee
daftscotslass said:
I had a pair of black stretchy trousers and a t shirt.

and u looked like a bumble bee ;)
um think it was a pair of loose fitting cropped trousers with a drawstring waist.
i had a home birth but packed a hospital bag just in case: i thought of comfort only! lol i packed a loose, light top and some equally light and baggy joggy bottoms, i didnt want anything tight around my ass coz i knew it would be sore and i'd be wearing bulky maternity pads, also didnt want anything digging into my tummy in case i'd needed an emergency c-section. also the looser the better coz i knew i'd look like a deflated blob! lol i didnt need to get rushed to hosp but we did have to go the next day to take millie for her paediatrician checks, and i wore those clothes i'd packed there- a wise choice, i was so weak and sore and feeble they were the comfiest clothes i couldve chosen. the most minging outfit iv probably ever worn lol but i didnt care, it was perfect!
i just packed plain black tracksuit bottoms and a long sleeve loose fitting tshirst last time, will be packing the same this time too..

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