What DO babies actually wear - In hospital, home, pram ???


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Ok, so ive been washing and tumble drying my supply of baby clothes and so far i have

5 x sleeveless bodysuits (0-3 months)
7 x short sleeves bodysuits (0-3 months)
10 x sleepsuits (0-3 months)
6 x vests

as well as some nice little outfits (but have held off buying too many) and some of the above for 3-6 months

Now i am trying to look at what should go in my hospital bag for bubs and i realised that i have NO IDEA what babies actually wear :wall:

Do they wear a nappy and bodysuit only during day, then the same but with a sleepsuit on top at night ??
What about in hospital as i know its bloody hot in there ??
Also when they wear a pramsuit, is that just over a bodysuit ? What about trousers and jumper, again over a bodysuit ??

Maybe a really stupid question, but nobody has ever told me what babies wear !!
Newborns tend to lose heat really easily so in hospital we had Tamzin in a bodysuit vest thingy, a sleep suit, a hat and scratch mits plus a blanket on top in her cot. Some babies in hospital had that on and still had a low temp so had to cuddle loads with mum.

At home I tend to just have Tamzin in a bodysuit, sleepsuit and if it's cold a knitted cardy. I don't use outfits that much to be honest because they are more comfortable in sleepsuits, only if we're going out somewhere nice.
I don't know if it was due to his size, but it was so hot in the hospital that we ended up keeping Jacob in his nappy and swaddled with no clothes! I was rushed in so only had a sleepsuit, but it was far too hot for that. The hospital provided cute little gowns, but again, too hot. One of the midwives didn't believe me but felt him and then agreed. After that he lived in socks and tees, but he is in long sleeves more often now. He only really needs a full sleepsuit when the temperature approaches 65F. Again, this may have to do with his size, though.
ditto for us, we have a hot baby so in hospital he was either in nappy plus blanket or vest plus blanket.
during the day now he wears a vest, trousers, socks, longsleeved teeshirt and if we're going out i put a fleece on him and a hat and a blanket. if its cold i put an extra blanket on him.
at night he wears a sleepsuit, a 1tog sleeping bag and a cellular blanket. we also cover his hands at night so they don't get cold.
Angel had to wear a bodysuit and sleepsuit in hospital, but had a low temp so she had to have a cardigan, two hats and 4 blankets on a hot water bottle as she couldn't maintain her temp at all. I wasn't allowed to cuddle her except for feeding and even then i had to call for a MW to check her temp and pass her to me. But this isn't overly common. I packed 3 sleepsuits and vests, 2 hats and scratch mitts. I forgot a cardigan so put one in just in case. The 2 hats were the best idea i had as my birth was so quick she didn't have time to close her lungs to get rid of the mucus, so she was throwing it up for 2 days therefore it got everywhere.

For the first few weeks i dressed her in sleepsuits and bodysuits. The odd outfit maybe too. With the time of year she also wore a cardigan most of the time. You really can't go wrong if you have sleepsuits and bodysuits.
Dylan had jaundice when he was born so was under a lighbox with just a nappy on fir the first few days
but then he just wore babygrows as he was warm enough without a vest but it was also a very hot april he was born.

Do you have any newborn size ?
i was induced at 39 weeks but he fit in tiny baby clothes best and was 7lbs 2oz it was about a month before he fit into 0-3 month clothes

also make sure you have scratch mits..some babies comeout with long nails
In hospital Macey was under lights for 11 days with jaundice so had just a nappy on!

At home, she usually wears in the day a vest and sleepsuit, if we go out i add a cardigan to that and then she goes in the pram with a blanket on top, now it is getting colder i sometimes put her in a pram suit but really depends how cold it is

Our house is warm and we struggle to get the bedroom any lower than 22C so she wears a sleepsuit and then a 1tog grow bag and she is nice and comfy like that
my little motto is "if u cant be comfy when ur a baby, when can u be comfy?!" as in she has years ahead of her for the discomfort of bra's, high heels, starchy suity office wear (or heavy work clothes if she has a manual job) etc so despite me being given tons of gorgeous little outfits i only really dress her properly when we go out. when at home, i used to keep her in babygrows when she was little, now its more t-shirts and leggings or lycra shorts! i opt for the flextibility and smoothness of material over anything, i tend to put her in loungewear!
With my 3 they generally wore a bodysuit, sleepsuit, socks and cardi! If it got cooler then they had a blanket too, if warmer then I would take off the cardigan! Ooh and their scratch mittens! Ive never had a hot baby so couldnt imagine just dressing them in just a nappy!? I think the kids got their temps from me lol Im always cold heehee
They would wear a pramsuit when you go out! Over whatever it is you have dressed him/her in! If your putting trousers on, then vest/bodysuit, tshirt, trousers and jumper/cardie etc!
I would get some Newborn stuff if you dont have some hun! My biggest baby was Lucy at 8lbs 9oz and she still needed to wear newborn! A Lot of places like Tesco etc, make newborn clothes upto 11lbs! And the scratch mitts! And socks!
Its hard to say really as it all depends on the baby, and the weather and environment..

Ryan now always wears a vest and then either wears trousers on top if its warm ish and we're going somewhere, trousers and a t shirt if its average, or of course any combo plus a jumper/coat if we go out. If he's not well we'll let him stay just in his vest. For sleep he is in a vest and a pair of leggings/fleecy trousers dependant on the evening.

But when he was little as in newborn, he'd wear vests mostly, and sleepsuits if it was a bit colder - it doesn't matter that they're called sleepsuits, just use them as another layer. He used to wear a sleepsuit on its own to bed in the summer, and with a vest underneath on cooler nights. I never bothered with the footless sleepsuits as his feet used to get cold, and sleepsuits with feet were easier to deal with than a footless one and socks. You'll soon get the hang of it really, just think of it in terms of layers... hes a bit cold I'll add a layer, doesn't matter what the layer is as such.

For the hospital bag I would pack 1 vest per day and 1 sleepsuit per night you are expecting to stay. With maybe a little cardi. And a blanket. And that'd do really. You gotta think as well how often you want to be doing washes, and how many poos a baby could have in a day that come out of the nappy :) You might think 6 vests is loads but there have been days when Ryan got through 3 in a morning after some explosive nappies and the same with sleepsuits - assume that 1 use is all you'll get, and if it's clean in the morning it's a bonus :D

The rule of thumb till 4 weeks old is the same amount of clothing/layers as you wear plus one layer. Once past 4 weeks babys are more able to regulate their body temp and can go with the same amount of layers as you.

I'd normally dress a new baby in a short sleeved bodysuit and a sleepsuit during the day. If wearing clothes then again, shortsleeved bodysuit and trousers and top/skirt and top (and tights if cold). If going out in pushchair then a jacket and a hat this time of year. And something then over the legs to keep them warm. Blanket or some such.

Don't need to put a hat on a baby indoors btw. They need to lose bodyheat that way.

We got a Buggysnuggle for our LO's pushchair so as to not have to faff with blanket (or jacket sometimes).
I think everyone else has covered it- short sleeved body suit and a sleep suit with blankets or cardigan on is how I dressed my LO for her first weeks. If we went out I'd put a cosy jacket on her and she'd have a blanket as well.

Cloud9 made a good point- you should have some newborn stuff otherwise you may find that your LO is way too small for 0-3 months. MY LO was 3 months old before any 0-3 month stuff actually fitted her- she was in tiny baby clothes for the first week and then newborn for ages after that - and she was a pretty average sized baby when born (6lb 13oz).
I agree with the sizes. My ten pounder was too small for the 0-3 months (though I still used them). He is too big for some of it now, though! D:
Becky wore nothing but a nappy when she was in the hospital under the light for jaundice and then "graduated" to a long sleeved bodysuit and blanket. When she got home she wore a sleepsuit and sleeveless bodysuit (vest) underneath though this was in April so it was warmer. When we went out as a newb she had those, a jacket/cardi, hat and a blanket.

When we go out now she has a top/trousers with vest underneath, tights and a jacket/thick jumper. Her buggy has a fancy footmuff so I don't bother with blankets though there was one day last week it was extremely cold (as in just above freezing early in the morning) and she had a hat on too.

Ditto about the newborn stuff, 0-3 is quite generous in size. They completely drowned mine until she was about a month old (7lb 13 at birth). Next do a 0-1 month which is slightly bigger than newborn so might be an idea?
Our hospital is really warm most of the time although can be a little cooler at night so DD just wore a bodysuit and a sleepsuit most of the time and if it was cooler I'd pop a blanket over her. Once we were home we did the same but as our house is also warm, and the year DD was born was a hot summer she sometimes just slept in a body suit.

It really does depend on the time of year/temperature at the time.
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thanks guys
I also asked the quetion at my AN class last week and MW said "whatever you want them to wear, as long as they are warm / cool enough"

So, ive got some vests in newborn and will get some sleepsuits aswell to tide me over untill the 0-3months fit

Thanks again

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