What did/do you call your parents?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I call mine just plain and simply mum and dad. But if we are out somewhere cause there is so many 'mum's and dad's' I quite often shout their names, and I get really embarrassed doing it!!!! One set of my grandparents are grandma and grandad to me. The other set, before they died were nana and grandad.

what do you call yours?
Mum and Dad! I don't think i have ever called them by their names ever :think:

I used to have a friend who called her parents by their names and I thought it was weird.

As for grandparents both of my sets of grandparents were Nanna and Grandad. Although George and Sam have Nanna and Grandad and Grandma and Grandad.
I simply use Mum and Dad have never called them by there name

both sets of grandparents were Nan and Grandad (both Nans now past :( )

Willow calls my parents Nana and Grandad and OH parents Little Nanny and Grandad (because they are short compared to my mum and dad).
I have always called mine mum and dad and at the moment we call them all Nana and Grandpa, but will see what Ella calls them!
I call them mum and dad however i do use their names if we are out and about and they dont answer to mum or dad.
But lately have been calling then nan and grandad for Calleighs benefit.
Mum and Dad. Although i do remember watching my Dad playing cricket and shouting on him and the whole of the team turning round as they were all dads.

Cameron calls my parents Grandma Cowe (surname) and Grandad Dick when he is talking about them just Grandma and grandad to there face.

he calls my Grandparents Grandma Katy (her name is irene ... long story) and Grandad John
mum and dad

gran and papa are my grandparents.

my friend also calls her parents by their name sometimes, i used to think it was weird but used to it now.. :)
ooh that reminds me, because benjamin has 3 set of grandparents. (my mum and dad, oh's mum and dad, and my grandparents - his great grandparents) he calls them Sally's grandma and grandad, tess' grandma and grandad, and grandma and grandad with the red car lol

sally and tess are the grandparents dogs lol
I call my parents mum and dad but my brothers call them by their names
just mum and dad or mummy and daddy if i want summat :rotfl:
mummy and daddy, and when we're out i say it really loudly to make them laugh at peoples faces when they see a grown woman with child callin her parents that :rotfl: :rotfl:
Always Mum and Dad. I remember when i was younger my sister called my dad Nick, then told us off for calling him dad, so we went through a Nick stage too.

It's Daddy if i want something, or writing on his cards.

We had Nana, and Grandma and Grandad. Only met one grandad and only have my grandma left.
I called them mum and dad. OH calls his mum "mum" but sometimes calls his dad by his first name. Seren calls them Nanny, Grandad Charlie (OH's dad) and Grandad Dave (OH's step dad). She calls me Shona most of the time.
beanie did seren call u mummy first then ur name? dont think itd bother me if jamie called me by my name, i might jus get normal looks cos im 'young enough to be his babysitter but not his mummy' accordin to an old dear :roll:
yeah she did call me mummy all the time, but just started to call me Shona (it was Shone as that is what OH calls me but I hate that so I corrected her :lol: ). If you ask her what my name is she says mummy, and she will call me mummy occasionally.
Mum and Dad or Nanna and Papa for Lilys benefit.

My nan however decided that she didnt want to be called Gran etc and her name is Mary so she made up Grandmary which sounds rediculious so everyone else but normal to us lot :lol:
mum and dad.

and Nan and grandad for there parents.

My brother and his girlfriend decided that they wanted to be called by there names but it doesn't seem right to me? :think: It seems odd to hear my little niece say there names and not mummy etc...
I always called them mum and dad.
I only ever had one nana and one great grandma but they aren't here anymore :(

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