What are your fears as you near the end?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Just wanted to know what you girls were afraid of as you near the end :)

I've put it in 3rd trimester but answer it even if you're in 1st or 2nd trimester. We're women we can see way into the future :lol:
I have 10 weeks to go and am scared of the unknown, this is my first baby and have heard so many different stories, so I know it will be a completly unique experience for me.. I got some great tips off the girls about hypnobirth & things so I am going to look into this, another thing I'm afraid of is ripping (sorry prob TMI) but I have heard some horror stories.. And am just a bit spooked by it
I'm scared I wont get to do it ever again.....I cant wait for my labour!
I'm scared of having a panic attack like i did last time, i'm looking into hypnobirthing to help me relax. Also i'm dreading the injection you get in your leg to deliver the placenta, it make me projectile vomit! Other than that, i can't wait! Labour is a great experience xx
i'm scared of tearing worse than i did before, cos if i did, you litereally wouldnt be able to tell my arse from my fanny :lol: and i'm scared that this'll be the last time i do it :(
It wont be your last time Fertile Myrtle....they only have to hang their pants on the end of the bed and you're up the duff.... :p
lmao well i'm gona try my hardest to keep my knickers firmly on for the foreseeable future!!
whey not likely alice. Once you get sorted and find a lovely new fella, you will pop out some more sprogs :lol: i'm sure of it xx
i bleedin hope so! well, not for a while! dont tell my mummy and daddy tho :rofl:
You'll be like me mate. You'll get your second wind just in time for the girls to start babysitting ;)
I have lots. I'm quite scared of being induced but that's because I don't like drips, which is also why I don't want a ceasarean....the thought of having a drip and catheter and being chopped open while awake terrifies me.

But my biggest worry is that I'll be a crap mum when LO arrives :( Like not knowing what to do or what's wrong with him or stuff like that. xx
katy you'll know what to do! its just instinct! i'm quite gutted, when i had my cathetar in i didnt watch the wee coming out! must be crazy, but it started playingon my mind recently!
Whats the injection in your leg to deliver the placenta? Another thing I'm afraid of is not knowing enough! I am finding new things on this every day..
Its whats know as having a managed 3rd stage - 3rd stage being the placenta being born. They generally give an injection of hormones to speed up it expulsion. It you leave it to nature it might take another half an hour or so as your womb slows contracting once baby is out. I think it's more for convenience of the medical staff tbh but they do tout some benefits.
It wont be your last time Fertile Myrtle....they only have to hang their pants on the end of the bed and you're up the duff.... :p

I just read that twice as 'hang their plants on the end of the bed' and was trying to work out what you were on about :lol: I need more caffeine :yawn:
i had a natural 3rd stage cos i delivered in water. apparently people that deliver in water deliver the placenta quicker or somethin. took me ages, it was still pulsating like 15 minutes after i had her, the midwives said they'd never seen it go on a strong and long as mine did!!
I don't know whether to have that injection for the placenta or not. I think by then I'll probably just want it all over and done with to be honest. xx

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