Christmas baby?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2005
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Hello ladies, just moved into the 3rd Trimester today, very exciting! Just wondered if anyone knew the answer to this question:
I'm due around 12th Dec. If the baby is late (which I gather most 1st timers are) then chances are I could have it on Xmas day! My Mum said that this was highly unlikely as that the hospital would rather not deliver babies on Xmas day due to staff shortage, and would be more likely to get me in and induce me earlier.

Anyone else heard this?
Hello Zo!

Just thought I would say Hi.. Im due Dec1st and cant wait, im counting down the days till my baby arrives.. So if your mum is right lets face it bith of us will have babies here for christmas.. R u going to buy baby presents if so what?

Love Dani and Bubble xx
Hiya Zo75

Congratulations on getting to the 3rd Trimester !!!

13 years ago I was due on News Years Eve and on the 13th December I was taken in and induced as my blood presure was very slightly up.

I have always said that they reason they took me in was more to do with the fact they wanted me out the way before Christmas !!!

All the Best

Ragna xxxx
Hi Ragna!

How are u, I have nt spoke to u for ages! R u cuming on the chatroom?
Love Dan and Bubble xx
Hey Zo

I am due on December 29th, but have a feeling she's going to hang round til January. But it would be a nice Xmas present if she was early :D

I reckon they wont let you go 2 weeks overdue. Mine offer you a sweep to get things started when you go a week over, but you could keep going til Xmas.
i'm in ontario, canada and i know that they will not allow you to be more than 2 weeks overdue. in fact they usually induce you after one week, which was the case with my first son. The only catch for me was that i had to wait until the following monday as my seventh day overdue fell on friday and they did not do inductions on the weekend at my hospital. I imagine it will be much the same over where you are as our health systems seem to be pretty much the same.
well i am due dec 14th very very excited to spend xmas with my little bundle of joy cant wait to finally meet him/her!

if ur having a NHS birth.. they tend to only let you go 12 days over. so i think u will have your baby by xmas.

love elaine

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