my jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have done the same thing, Pips, can put them on, but can't close them!!! And just like you, I have already lost 10kg, which is half of what I put on, and it's not enough!!!! I still have a bit of a belly, all wobbly and skin is all too big for my tummy so it looks horrible!
And no time for exercising yet! everytime Maheen gives me some time, I rush to my bed to sleep! (unless I have all the household stuff to do, of course!)
Nikki, lol!!! I could have written approx.the same list!!! esp. sleeping on my tummy! because of my stiches, I just start now to feel myself again, and feel more comfy in bed now!
Last Saturday I went to town with my mum before she left for France again, and managed to buy a pair of trousers at BHS, on sale at £5!!! good bargain
But it was a size 14 when I used to be a 10 or 12!!! (well, 6 years ago, I was a 8!!!
) I wold not have spent more money for something I hope I won't wear for too long!
mel xx