What are u looking forward to the most?

Actually believing she is finally here..............!!

It's been such a long journey!!

Seeing OH's face when he holds her for the first time - I bet he cries!!

Oh and also getting rid of SPD and getting back onto Lupus/RA meds!!!
The first cuddle. The look on hubbys face when he is holding his son or daughter for the first time. And finding out if it's a boy or a girl! :-) xx
I just want to see how tiny he is all curled up, because I've forgotten what it's like.

I also look forward go getting rid of the pregnancy hormones, I know they won't go straight away but as long as there's a light at the end of the tunnel :cry:
Knowing where I stand! Atm I feel in so much limbo trying to plan or do anything related to the house because it all revolves around when LO decides to make an appearance.

As well of course as the usual cuddles and kisses :)
Oh I don't know if I can choose one! Touching my babies beautiful skin and knowing he/she was made from
me and Hubbie together. First family snuggle on bed....breastfeeding (hopefully won't hurt).....everything :-)
I cannot wait to hold my baby, cuddles, kisses, finding out the sex, and to see who he/she looks like! I just can't wait to be a mummy! :love:
Oh I hope you dont mind me popping on here, what a lovely thread. My little boy is 10months old and he is my first, I cant believe where the time has gone. I took him to see the christmas lights go on last night and my dad was holding him and I looked at him and couldnt believe he was mine. When he looks at me and smiles in a morning it melts my heart, when he comes crawling over to me and puts his head on my chest and sucks his thumb its just gorgeous. You ladies have a miracle coming your way its so amazing the amount of joy they bring is unbelievable. I remember them passing him to me and putting him into my arms and it was just amazing. All the best ladies and enjoy your maternity leave it goes too quick :) xxx
Oh I hope you dont mind me popping on here, what a lovely thread. My little boy is 10months old and he is my first, I cant believe where the time has gone. I took him to see the christmas lights go on last night and my dad was holding him and I looked at him and couldnt believe he was mine. When he looks at me and smiles in a morning it melts my heart, when he comes crawling over to me and puts his head on my chest and sucks his thumb its just gorgeous. You ladies have a miracle coming your way its so amazing the amount of joy they bring is unbelievable. I remember them passing him to me and putting him into my arms and it was just amazing. All the best ladies and enjoy your maternity leave it goes too quick :) xxx

So sweet :cry: xx
Omg there's so much to look forward to and I can't pin point one thing in particular. But I suppose it would have to be having a morning soon after chip is born with little chip in the middle of us in bed staring at her and saying "we did it Hun, we finally have our little Miricle and she is perfect!". :)
i'm looking forward to seeing lo and having cuddles having him safely in my arms, jack meeting his baby brother, but i am sooo looking forward to drinking a cup of tea lol
OK, now im blubbing away like an emotional hormonal wreck, lol!!
I cant wait to hold him in my arms for the first time and to see him with his daddy. Also cant wait for our first night at home with him when hes (hopefully!) asleep in the crib at the side of our bed.
Oh I hope you dont mind me popping on here, what a lovely thread. My little boy is 10months old and he is my first, I cant believe where the time has gone. I took him to see the christmas lights go on last night and my dad was holding him and I looked at him and couldnt believe he was mine. When he looks at me and smiles in a morning it melts my heart, when he comes crawling over to me and puts his head on my chest and sucks his thumb its just gorgeous. You ladies have a miracle coming your way its so amazing the amount of joy they bring is unbelievable. I remember them passing him to me and putting him into my arms and it was just amazing. All the best ladies and enjoy your maternity leave it goes too quick :) xxx

Couldn't have put it better myself! When Jack beams at me it melts my heart! I well up on a daily basis when I think 'he's mine'!! Remember every single second because the 1st few weeks go by in a flash!! x
I'm looking forward to it all, can't just pin point one thing :)
Can't wait to meet LO, and see who he looks like. x

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