What are you buying baby for Christmas?

Well, my OH says...she won't remember her first xmas anyway, so why write to SANTA?

Well, I'm going to get her something from me - something small, because it's her birthday on Little Christmas, and Santa is going to buy her something special too, no matter what OH says! Perhaps her first raggy doll or summat? Her aunts and uncles will all spoil her too.

I want to get her a little Noah's ark with lots of animals too. My friend has bought her little boy a lot of plastic animals and while they look real and he knew their names and sounds by the time he was walking, I never thought that they seemed safe or comfortable... so little rounded plastic ones for my baba!

I saw a FIsher Price pull along phone today in the local toy warehouse...I had one of those! But Naomi doesn't know about phones yet so I might save that till she's two.


Have no clue exactly what im getting yhet but know im getting this whinnie the pooh toy box ive found
Well I've 1 thing left for Owenthen I've done.

I've brought him....
sing and go choo choo
Winnie the pooh fllipphone
musical boat
musical band kit... drums mini guitar etc.
touch and crawl shaking ball.

And the last thing to get is the drop and roar dinosaur.

My mum is getting him the winnie the pooh radio
Dad is getting him the bouncing tigger... as he tries to eat him when he bounces gets real excited! :roll:
And the miracles and milestones gift pack.

Sounds alot I think but everything goes from ages 6-36 months so I haven't got everything just for now.
Have now decided to get an aquadraw too, not sure if regular or Thomas though hehe
So far have got her the bouncing zebra (got it in the states for £19!!), some Barney DVDs and toys, a touring trike, some balls for a ball pool, some duplo and I want to get her a dolly and some books. Oooh and some tweenie stuff. But I have to spread her pressies over Xmas and her birthday on boxing day.

My mum's got her that activity tent and has said she wants to get her some outdoor equipment and I've asked DH's mum to get her some good bath toys to stick on the side.
Kina :twisted: I just paid £45 for it in Mothercare :x :hug:
You should have seen my suitcase! I only took one and had to pack my clothes in our hand luggage bags and checked them in :rotfl: But it was to much of a bargain to miss. Honestly I could've spent a fortune on toys in Walmart, they were all half the price of over here!!
I am getting the Zebra from Boots, its on the 3 for 2 offer. It was out of stock though, so i have got the drop and roar, and the little leappad for the price of only the drop and roar :D :dance: Bargin!!

I managed to get the trike from mothercare in the end, but im saving that for her birthday, and the Zebra too. for Xmas she is getting the drop and roar, and the little leap pad, and a few books and jigsaws etc
Kina i know what you mean about the price differents for over here.

Neil went to canada with work last month and I got him to buy Callum a lightning mcqueen talking car for his birthday next week, it's £40 over here and only costs £25 over there.

We've also brought lily a TMX elmo, managed to get one online for the rrp (I wasn't paying £50 for one off ebay :shock: )


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