What are you buying baby for Christmas?

I really wanted to get lily a mamas and papas rocking sally sheep but it's been DISCONTINUED GRRR

so now looking for a good condition second hand one

Lindsay said:
I am thinking about getting Jacob the LeapPad Little Touch System for christmas with the little touch pooh loves you book, has anyone got one, is it worth buying?

I got one for Aaron last Christmas with loads of the books, cost a fortune and he's now a year old and still won't play with it. I'm hoping he'll play with it when he's a bit older though.
Stanley has a large family who are all desperate to spend money on him, always fighting over what to buy.

OH and I didn't have to spend a penny getting ready, the nursery was kitted out, clothes, pushchair etc.

So we're considering buying him NOTHING for xmas. he'll only be four months and will have so much and we're skint while I'm off work. Is that really rotten though?

Honest opinions please ladies! (I can take it) :D
I don't think it's rotten at all.

As LO will only be a few months old, If lily had been the same age as you LO we'd proberly only get her somthing little like a rattle or soft book or toy or something simular but I'd have only sprent about a tenner as everyone else will be buying toys and they don't really play with them yet.

One thing I'd do is though make a list of some toys you'd like the family to buy and make sure you have a range of toys for the different ages of 3, 6 & 9 months as it'll be nearly a year before LO's 1st B'day and a bunch of new prezzies lol, then ask who wants to buy what of your list that way you shouldn't get many duplicates.

Minxy - nooooo I dont thing it is wrong not to buy him anything. I had the same dilemma last year but I have absolutly NO will power when it comes to shopping (or eating! lol) so I did end up buying some bits n bobs.

It is so easy to spend, spend and spend some more - so well done you for being sensible.

How good are you at making stuff? Maybe make him a couple of comfort blankies with tags on it or different textures (bits and material like this can be picked up for a few pence at car boots etc) then when he grows out of it - it can go in his 'memory box' as the first xmas pressie he ever had - plus it would mean more as you have made it yourself. My son loves a comfort blankie at night - he has not long started wanting one.
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Hiya beany!

Minxy I wouldn't feel bad at all. If you wanted to you could always put money into his bank instead?
lol I forgot to say what we are getting my son for xmas! - well and for birthday as it is coming up soon!

ELC - my 1st work bench http://www.elc.co.uk/toy-40989
Pound n cheese (cus L like to bash things! lol)
Little Touch learning system
3 little touch books
Tesco penquin bath toy
Tesco whistling bath frogs

ELC My first Kitchen http://www.elc.co.uk/toy-40988
Peek n play discovery dome and extra play pack
Sports 6 in 1 quad ride on

And no doubt I will happen upon some bargains too! lol so he will be totally spoilt!

:wave: @ Urchin and Brody!
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them wheely bugs are great! my mom has just started selling them on her site aswell they are meant to help with coordination etc and they are soo cute..you can get them in small or large so alan has decided when jakob is old enough they are going to get 1 each and race on them :shock: lol
Love the idea of making him something to keep, I am pretty 'crafty'

Am going to make a special 'baby's first christmas' something for the tree, but will do a blankie too! :)
Beany said:
lol I forgot to say what we are getting Lawson for xmas! - well and for birthday as it is coming up soon!


Pound n cheese (cus L like to bash things! lol)

Hiya have you bought the pound and cheese yet? Or has Lawson tried it out yet?

He might love it but I bought it for Reece's b'day and it was crap. He's only bothered with it once and that was when forced lol. Doesn't do anything :(
xSuzx said:
yey i got one, i managed to be the winning bidder for a sally sheep

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1

sorry if anyone else here bidded on it I snipped it in the last minute :twisted:


I am loving that sheep!!!!! Im gonna have a look on ebay now see if I can find something similar!

So far I have got Ella

The wiggles DVD (she loves them Id really recommend it, Ella loves to dance and wiggles her bottom!)

Her first dolly! only a little doll that giggles

will either get her a trike or a activity thing like the tent or the cube

get the ELC catalogue loads of idea's in there!
I have copied Kina and bought Charlie a pink trike from mothercare, I love it, so cute!!! I'll just get her a few more bits and bobs and a bit in her bank, and that'll be about it. Then I'll have to start with the SS, he's nearly 7, any ideas??

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