What are you buying baby for Christmas?

I've always said that once Reece has enough toys then I'll stop buying him stuff until they break or he gets bored of them. So at the moment he has something of everything- musical instruments, building toys, learning toys etc. If he was to get anymore then things wont get played with again. So for x-mas we'll only be buying him clothes and some more crayons and paint.

Reece has a swing ready for when we get a garden so I'm also going to buy a slide for him for x-mas (he can play with it inside during the crappy weather) ...Although that play tent looks cool Urchin and it would be great for the garden too :think:
If you don't mid me asking Beanie what shop is the doctors kit and the Noah's ark from?? Would'nt mind getting something like that for my friends little boy.


Amy xx
I am seriously stuck for what to get Aaron for xmas. He's got so much for his birthday! He's got a little people garage and train set. Mega bloks stuff, a ride on car, clothes. I just can't find anything for Xmas he would like. Only thing I know I am buying is the Dora the explorer xmas dvd as he loves Dora :lol:
we have got liam a keyboard, i think it is chad valley from woolies it was reduced to £15. and we want to get him that tomy dome as well. but argos do a discovery one now. also like the cube.

we are going to get him a bike for his birthday, the ones that you can push along.

thanks for sending me the link jo x
we got joshua the next one up ages 4 - 8. it was only £12.50 in Argos, half price, bargain :D. plus we got him a batman gocart, half price in tescos
God havent even thought about xmas yet! We are not going to spend much as it seems silly, its not like Aimee is going to remember it so will just get a few nik naks. Give Aimee anything with a label/tag on and she'd be happy! (she's obsessed by labels)

Am looking forward to it though.
and dior is getting a toy kitchen and washing machine. not sure about Harley yet
can anyone help me come up with ideas that are cost effective for me, my friend has 6 kids n some how we've agreed to buy for each others kids :roll:

was thinking about gettin the boys a tent that goes over their trampoline so they can still play in it thru the wet months
but no ideas for ryan!!
damn it Kina its sold out! That is a bargin!
I got mine new from DB Nursery Goods for £32 (that was including p&p). Just checked and he hasn't got any more, but it would be worth keeping an eye on him :D

Dont really know exactly what we are getting Kiara yet one of the things were gonna be those walker things teh hold on to but we bought it early :oops: she loves it
i want stuff she can learn with and lots of big stuff her birthday is 3 weeks later so dotn wanna over do it but still want her to have a nice stack of gifts
I am thinking about getting Jacob the LeapPad Little Touch System for christmas with the little touch pooh loves you book, has anyone got one, is it worth buying?


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