What are we up to today?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I'm having a quiet one

I had a very busy one yesterday so intending to chill out, the snow is till here but I think (hope) it's going :yay: So may get out tomorrow :D

What about everyone else?
think the snow is going here too i was going to go to coffee morning but i didnt want to push the pram in the snow as it keeps getting stuck taking me about an hr instead of 30 mins ect . .. uno so i didnt go. Just waiting for my husband to come home then were going to disside if we want to risk going out as the car has broken down so we dont know how we feel about that yet haha!!
Snow has mostly gone here, now, well at least from the roads which is just as well as I need to get out today! Today I will be mostly, from 12 to at least 4, looking after my friend's little boy - he's 4 - as he's on half-day school this week so that the others can catch up in getting used to being at school full time (he started early in September and LOVES it. )

No doubt today I will, then, be having a headache! :rofl: as I've already woken up with one. I think I have cold or flu starting. GAH! Thought I'd avoided it.

Looking forward to looking after him - he's a right little monkey chops! :lol: If I survive, I may be on line later tonight (if our stupid Virgin server works tonight as it didn't yesterday)

I do harp on...sorry. I type like I talk! :rofl:
:rotfl: aww bless ya i hope you get better soon and just hope its a 24hr thing x x x
not much here, waiting for a few phone calls back. have roped my brother in to walking the dog as it seems as though will be waiting all day now :( (and also am not sure how far and for how long I can stray away from toilet facilities)
food shopping and getting ready for work again tomorrow
was working this morning till 10.30, visitd my gran, home for lunch, taking OH to get his car at 2, few things to get down the street, back to work at 4, pick wee man up from grans at 6, then chill aaaahhh cant wait x
I had MW this morning, and now i'm debating going for a nap. I'm exhausted xx
Nap when you have the chance hun :hug:

I feel lazy though :oops: although it's the tablets I'm on I think. They say on them that they can cause severe drowsiness and not to drive. So I may have to go for a snooze in a little while xx
Work, work, work! Just got in, so am having a quick cuppa. Then I'm gonna play with my little dude until it's time to make his tea. I love this bit of the day. Just me and him for a couple of hours :love: Then I have a date with the ironing after dinner. Never mind eh?!!

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