What are the rules?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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I've just started ttc after a few months in wtt and I've read loads of wonderful advice on here over the last few months about everything ttc related but I just wondered if people have 'rules' they follow while ttc.
For example about drinking alcohol, exercise, eating seafood etc. There seem to be lots of rules to follow while pregnant but do you girls follow them all while ttc as well or are you less strict. Some of them (like the alcohol) are quite hard to follow for long periods of time without people realising and asking awkward questions.
I know everyone will be different and I'm definately not going to judge what anyone does, just looking for advice and opinions. Thank girls.
i hardly ever drink anyway so that didn't make a difference. i did drink while ttc....i did cut back on my smoking and drank plenty of water.

i started taking pregnacare conception and after 1 month of taking them i got :bfp: so i think they have a lot to do with it!

but other than that i wasnt harsh on myself at all :dust:
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My "rules" are:
Pregnacare and omega 3 every night.

That's it :)

I drink rarely too, so i will have a drink if i want one, but wouldn't have enough to get hammered.

Obviously no smoking.

I'm also trying to get my BMI down and things, but those are more IVF related than tcc related.

I keep promising to start some muscle buiding exercising to help with labour that you shouldn't do during pregnancy :)
I never drink besides when I go out which is once every 3 months so while trying to conceive I don't even drink then. In the "two week wait" I don't eat anything i.e runny eggs etc that can harm the fetus just incase there is a fetus so not rules just routines I'd say that I stick by.
Thanks girls. That's interesting Jelly that you are more careful during the 2ww. I hadn't thought of that but that makes perfect sense. I thought I'd just stop drinking completely while ttc because my partying days are definately behind me but of course with summer coming up I've got weddings and holidays and bbqs which I normally would have a drink at (if I'm driving that's the perfect excuse) I guess I'll have one or two just not get drunk. I'll miss runny eggs though :(
I'm going to try and keep my weight steady cos I lost a stone after xmas (which I needed to lose) but my period went awol, might have been nothing to do with this but I don't want to risk it happening again. I'm a healthy weight now anyway according to BMI.

Which weight exercises Louise? I like resistance training (I'm rubbish I'm such a weakling but I try). Are there any exercises you shouldn't do while ttc?
I read in a pregnancy magazine that during labour having good core muscles and stomach muscles will help to get baby out swiftly and stop you getting so fatigued.

However, you shouldn't do any running or crunches or lifting during pregnancy.

Not because it can harm the baby, but because it can harm you.

All i remember off the top of my head is that during pregnancy, your stomach muscles separate and if you do crunches/sit ups you will actually encourage the muscles to separate and not help them stay together so after birth your muscles might not go back all the way.

I think the no running was due to your weight and posture shifting and causing impact points in your joints and things that you wouldn't normally get.

I'm not sure where i put the booklet - i'll have a look :oooo:
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That's really interesting about the core exercises. Sounds like from what you said it might be ok in early pregnancy but not later on. I'll definately get some advice from the trainers at the gym if/when I get pregnant. Trouble is there seems to be loads of conflicting info cos I know lots of people who run when pregnant. I know I'd struggle to keep my weight in check if I stop running cos I eat like a horse.
I can only assume people that jog during pregnancy have been told that it won't hurt baby which is what they were worried about, and haven't really thought about themselves :eh:

I've got the booklet now "Dr Miriam Stoppard - Your Healthy Pregnancy".

It says no jogging because it puts strain on breasts and jarring joints etc.

No backpacking as weight bearing activities put stress on ligaments and whereas muscles will return to their original shape after birth, ligaments will remain stretched .

Then it says no situps for the reasons i already mentioned.

Walking, swimming and yoga are listed as good activities.

Exercise is still recommended as it increases bloodflow and oxygen to baby plus makes you feel better :)
I was told aslong as your body is used to running/jogging then you are fine to continue while you feel comfortable to, as it wont put any excess strain on your body. I was running nearly everyday until i got my bfp and was too tired x x

Thanks for the advice girls its really helpful. Lots of walking with OH carrying the bags sounds great. Sounds like I can exercise as normal until getting BFP anyway which is good to know.
I try not to drink too much, have to think of excuses before I go out and drink really slowly. No one has suspected yet! Oh and I take folio acid. Xx
Yeah when I got pregnant (miscarried in December) I really craved runny eggs so was hell not having them and craved like everything I couldnt have like tea and coca-cola etc lol!

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