What about this weight???


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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I visited my doctor today and believe it or not, I have gained 3 (yes, that's THREE) stone in under 2 weeks.

This can not be good. I know that I should be watching what I eat and I am still eating very healthily, my problem is that I am ALWAYS hungry. I once was a smoker and the feeling I use to get with craving a cigarette is now the same way I feel about food... I just can't control this now, I am not noticably fat by any means, I now weigh 70 stone but at the beginning of this pregnancy I weighed 50 or so (I was very tiny, but I am tall, with long limbs, so the weight is not very noticable, YET, I still do have a month to go until baby arrives...) and I am scared I will not control this!!!

I know I must keep more active now, and not eat the chips I crave followed by the three ice creams... My doctor was a bit taken back as he said, ".... and this weight is not going to the baby, it's on you!" So there I have it. I am not needing to eat as much food. WOW I am really taken back as I have never had a weight issue, being pregnant is one thing but when I am just eating to eat, that's not good.

Is this happening to anyone else?? Or am I just being a pig??? LOL
Taking it you mean kilos not stones, I hope. Yeah I have had the same problem most of my weight has only recently gone on I just can't stop eating, I know the baby doesn't actully need that many calories but I'm contantly starving and craving sugar. Hope this baby comes soon before I gain another 2 stone.
The winter is partly to blame.

I always feel extremely hungry when I get cold. It must be the old caveman instinct of filling up I suppose.

My tip is to wrap up warm, turn the heating up, and snuggle up. Also avoid the naughty xmas food aisles in the supermarket, they are a killer!
Don't worry! I've put on nearly 20.5kg this pregnancy and have reached a stone level I never thought I'd weigh in my life (actually reached it this morning and I am not going to say what it is as it's disgusting!).

You'll get it off afterwards :D

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