What a wonderful midwife - NOT!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Just had my 16 week midwife appointment. Went in feeling well, passed urine testing fine, BP a bit high but that's normal.

Asked her if it was possible to hear the baby's heartbeat and was totally stunned into silence by her response!

She explained that she doesn't attempt to hear the heartbeat until weeks 22/24. In her words "I could have you listen to the baby's heartbeat today but it could die tomorrow and you'd just feel worse".

Did my best to hold it together while I was in the clinic but then cried all the way to work. Surely she could have said no in a more sensitive way????????

What a bitch, I'm sorry but I would not ve able to hold my Tongue and I would report that to her manager, formally, in a letter :hugs: x
How unprofessional! She needed a good telling off and possibly a formal complaint.
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I would report her , that was cruel and un-called for . :hugs:
I really can't believe she said it, it even stunned my OH into silence and he is the most opinionated person I've ever met. Am serioulsy considering complaining. Surely a "I'm sorry but that's not a procedure we carry out at 16 weeks" would have sufficed?! I know it's an everyday thing for her but this is my first successful pregnancy and a little tact wouldn't go amiss!
OMFG! I cannot believe those words actually crossed her lips! :shock: That would be enough to stun anyone hunni. I'd defo make a complaint. That is so out of line. How dare she say that! Complete asshole. That has actually made me so mad! :evil:

I hope you're okay. :hug: x
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I would report her, no midwife should say something like that EVER, I didn't get to hear mine either at 16 weeks but was just told that they don't do it until the baby is older, that was a terrible thing to say to you, hugzzzzz
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OMFG what is wrong with people, that's absolutely disgusting & to come from a midwife as well

I think you should defo report that

what a bitch, hope mine isnt like that or i'll probably bite her head off lol
Id report her hunny, they are there to look after you, stupid cow! x x

OMG I couldnt believe what I read!
What a cow!
You definitely need to take this further hun.
She is there to support you, not to talk about babies dying!
how un professional
Report her! what an utter bit&h. She could have just said no we don't do it here until 22 weeks, why say anymore, does she not think that this will just play on your mind. grr angry for you. let us know if you do complain.
All she needed to do was show some sensitivity:( like the other ladies my mw just told me they dont look for it until 20 weeks ,
What a bitch! Deffo report her! Shouldn't b a midwife with that attitude! X
Definitely report her!! She can't get away with speaking to you like that or indeed saying what she said - beyond out of order!!!! Like the others said, TACT!!! It should not bloody hard especially given her line of work!! My MW was a bit of a strange one but even she pre-warned me at 18 weeks "I may not be able to find a HB simply because we don't usually do this until you're further gone... do you still want me to try??" I hope you're ok now hun xx
OMG, this is so uncalled for! My MW said they don't attempt because they might not find it and it will be worrying for me which I can understand. Do report her, she should think about what she says
Omfg I cannot believe she even said that, your supposed to be able to relax after 12 weeks as the risks go down, she shouldn't be talking like you'r baby could die at any moment esp when your pregnancy is fine, seriously what a stupid bitch, as everyone else said get her reported for being completely unprofessional :hug:
i would probably of smacked her! make sure you complain, that is soooo not the way to speak to anyone!
Thanks for the support everyone. A complaint has gone in and Im requesting another mw. Really cant believe how insensitive she is! Spent hours in work cryin like a baby, luckily they were v supportive xx

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