What a difference!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Well HV came today (thought she was due Wednesday so I was unprepared and house was a frigging tip) and I was talking about his feeding patterns. Drake was taking nearly an hour to feed and then he would only take 3oz..maybe 4 at best. So she said to try him on the size 2 teats (tried 3 weeks ago but they were too fast for him) so I tried him at 4pm with them and by 4.20pm he nearly had the whole 5oz!!! Was well impressed! He's now happy and blottoed in his carry cot still. I can't believe what a difference it's made!

Oh and we talked about the every 3 hour thing and apparently and I'm pretty embarrassed to say that I didn't know this after having 3 frigging kids that the 3 hour thing is supposed to start when they finish their bottle and not when they start it! No wonder it felt like I was always feeding him! (probably had something do do with him not feeding as much as well) so feel like a prize plonker now!
I time it from the start too! That'll mess up my routine if I change it! Lol
Ive been using size 2 teats from birth, charley normally finishes his feeds within 20-30mins! He's a little porker!
Glad Drakes got on well with his new teat! I saw your fb status! He's a brill weight! x x
Cheers Hun!

Yeah it kinda messes with our routine too lol As long as he gets something round the 10pm mark (bedtime) then I think he'll be happy. He's a stickler for his nightime routine!
What's he weigh? Had Sebastian weighed today and he's now 10lb 11oz! He's on variflow teats. Wonder if I should change them though? Hmmmmm. I always time from the end of a feed,
He's now 10lb 8oz! He was only 6lb 1oz born so chuffed with that! He now has rolls on the back of his neck bless him lol
I want to get charley weighed now! 2 weeks ago he was 8lb 14oz so he must be well into the 9lb's now!
I have the vari flow teats too!!! I always timed from the start of the feed too....hmm harvey always takes ages to feed at night so i'm wondering whether to try the size 2 teat at night......
LM, 2 weeks ago Seb was 8lb 10oz! We thought he'd just be kissing 10lb but no! He's a little fatty!
I have used size 2 from birth too think herbie is ready for size 3 now lol anybody know what age they are from?
I always time the feed from when he starts drinking noway he would make 3 hours if I didnt.
Just had a look at my teats lanny, and size 3 is from 3mths! Charley's had size 2 straight from birth so I'm sure herbie can try size 3 early!
On the tommi tippee teats size 2 is from 3 months and size 3 is from 6 months.

Drake is much faster at feeding now and yep he's still feeding every 3 hours sometimes even less timing at the start of the feeds! Like Lanny, no way he'd go longer than that!
I was using the tommee tippee variflow teats but they didn't last very long at all. They had all torn a little bit on the cross and was coming out super duper fast - i was going to complain about it because they are not cheap to buy. It's not that i am heavy handed when i clean them to steralise?!! Now we are on size 3 and they are perfect. xx
Now I'm sure my midwife told me to time from the start of a feed and not the end, I wish they would all make up their minds and stick to it!! We use the variflow teats as the staydown milk is so thick but half of it ends up down his chin as it's so fast. Will maybe try some size three's, I think two's would be too small. Great weights girls!!
think I will go get some new teats this wk avent I'm using I only started on 2 because that was what was on the bottles when I got them and didnt realise till he was about 2 wks old they were 1 month plus but by then it was too late I wasnt starting with newborn
To be honest with you the hospital use fast flow teats on their bottles so it won't hurt them to use them from newborn. As long as they're not chokin on it of course!
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i time from start but daisy is getting all over the place with feeds during day it vary between 2 n half hours and 3 nights is always 3 she has 5oz in day but mostly only 3or 4 at night i think she feeding to much tbh 6wk check tomoro hoping they will weight her she was 10lb 2 weeks ago bet she about 12 now lol

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