Were/are you a young mum??

:) no more babies for me now !! I'm living my life just a bit backwards :)
ive just been reading this thread and me and OH have just been blessed with our first baby.. Im 22 now (21 when i found out i was pregnant). Me and OH were saying that we take our hats off to all the single parents out there. Its hard work when there's 2 but just one single parent- well done :)

you girls definitely seem to live for your children and i admire that!! My mum was 16 when she had me and she told me just how hard it was so for that reason id never think of young mums as anything but great mummies..

kylie and baby Jack x
^^^^^ awe that's a really nice post :D so many times young mums get bad names so this has really lightened my day I'm 22 yrs old I have a 3rd old a 2 yr old and a newborn and wouldn't have it any other way :D lie them so much!! Xx

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I got a lot of stick from my friends about being a young mum because I'm 18 but I wouldn't have it any other way I love my daughter to pieces :) and in my opinion young mummys are just as good parents as older mummys :)
Also we have more energy to be/play with are children :D my nan ha 7 kids and she said the last one she had at 40 the rest had already grown up and left home but she feels even with 6 to cope with when younger she felt like she did a better job with them coz she had more energy and patience x

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