**Welshchick** Lily-Mae born 15/06


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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Only just home from hospital to write this cant believe I have had my beautiful baby girl labour story below which in the end was shockingly quick!!:shock:

I was admitted to hospital on 13/06 with pre clampisa and because I was 38+4 they decided to induce me the next day. The inducement was not to bad at all bu they warned me because my cervix was so far back it may not work and could take a few days so prepared myself for a long wait. The day passed with nothing not even any cramps or period pain. Thern as I settled down in bed I literally heard a 'pop' noise and my waters went at 00:30. Called the midwife and they moved me to a side room where she said I was 2cm no contration pain up till now and she said my cervix was still far back and that It may be a long wait. I really wanted an epidural but was told I had to wait till I was 4cm. Called hubby and mum to let them know waters had gone but labour may be legthly they decided to come straight away (very good decision lol). The contractions suddenly kicked in with huge intensity there were literally no beaks between them at all and the pain was awful, hubby called the midwife to check if I could have some pain relief and by the time she got to the room I had to urge to push. She got me on the bed and I was 10cm :shock::shock::shock::shock:. She said it was to late for an epidural and gave me some pethadine but said it would take 20 mins to kick in so gas and air was my only option. 8 pushes later an all within 1hr 30 mins my baby girl arrived at 02:32 15/06.

My mum literally made it with 5 mins to spare to see her born :dance::dance:.The midwifes called it spontanus labour I was literally in shock after it happened because it all went so quickly. We were in hospital till yesterday because she was jaundis but we are finally home and she is so perfect in everyway.

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Shes beautiful congratulations x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
wow what an amazing birth story congrats she is beautiful xx
Great delivery well done you! Xxx she's beautiful and love the name (one of my choices lol) xx
What did she weigh? She's gorgeous well done & congratulations xx
Wow what a fast labour. Well done you. She is beautiful.
She is stunning! Lovely labour! Hope ur both over the shock!x

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