

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I got 3 lots of blood done! i think an extra 1 because i asked them to check my thyroid.
and 3 pin holes in me :( they had to get someone else to try she couldnt find anything.
I think it hurt more than it should of cause they had to do it more...1 was in the other arm! but i wouldnt say it really hurt. my arm is aching now,

Im not going for an early scan!!! she aid the dating scan would be when im 12 weeks :(
gutted i wanted to see my babies heartbeat. xxx
you wouldn't see much anyway, but i know how you feel i felt the same i was waiting for age when I got y date for my scan x But i was glad i waited the baby was formed and kicking about x
i had some bleeding and didnt get an early scan :-( only got til the 9th nov to wait though - cant believe im ten weeks on saturday! x
I had 3 lots of blood taken too as had to have the Sickle cell screening. Yay for being brave! x
Well done for being so brave hun, i had three on tuesday but couldnt watch her put the needle in ( yet i watch my 6 tatoo's being done!) x x

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I've never had a blood test before! I'm not frightened of needles though thank goodness lol.

only 3 :S I had about 8/9 bottles when they did mine for first time :( lol they still asking for more blood now had about 4 tests already haha doomed x
I had 3 as well. I'm so used to getting bloods done and needles don't bother me at all.
Well done for being brave!

X x x x
only 3 :S I had about 8/9 bottles when they did mine for first time :( lol they still asking for more blood now had about 4 tests already haha doomed x

OMG you poor thing why did they have to take so much?
only 3 :S I had about 8/9 bottles when they did mine for first time :( lol they still asking for more blood now had about 4 tests already haha doomed x

OMG you poor thing why did they have to take so much?

I have no idea, I have had a few problems here and there... Diabetes and that. So they did loads for checks, Including an sti check even though I had been like a few months before... They told me they can't share information from the GUM Clinic. :S madness....

Having them done now to check my kidneys and liver are working ok :) xxxx
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your 12 week scan will come soo quickly and you'll see a proper little person moving about. Blood tests are horrible i had to have one yesterday makes you feel soo low hope you're all recovered tomorow xx

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