No heartbeat (updated)

hun iam so sorry know what you must be going through hope you make a decision on what to do take care heres some hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: take care and look after yourself pm me whenever you want or want to chat xxxxxx
Thats so sad im sorry to hear that about your LO.

Whatever decision you choose, take care and be as strong as you can considering, you are very brave :hug:
awww hun im so so sorry for you and your family take care and remember we are here for you :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
thank you for your support, I have booked in for 8:30 am tomorrow morning, I am grateful to you all for allowing me to share both my joy and now grief. I am really scared now, I have cramps, told this might happen on it's own......Maybe i shouldn't be on this forum but I feel like i have made friends here, I don't want to upset anyone either... or scare anyone.

What to do..... I feel helpless right now..... silly questions in my head...what if they have made a mistake...I know they haven't..... but ... sorry I think i am just over emotional right now...

This is my 3rd Angel now..... thank you for putting up with me Yvonne xx
oh hun really feel for you, stay here if you want there are people here that can support you and help you hun. You want upset anyone at all im glad you have made some friends here and we are all here for you. Im often in the miscarriage and loss section and i have so much support on here, but i understand what you mean hun.

Hope everything goes ok tommorow, :hug: :hug: x x
Hope tomorrow goes ok hun.

Dn't worry about posting here i'm sure people all want to support you. The mc board is also very helpful.

But i know posting there will like it's kind of definate. I know thats how i felt.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am so sorry to hear your news :(

I don't think anything can prepare you for that :hug:

Please take care and I hope that tomorrow goes as well as it possibly can.

Take care :hug:
i just wanted to send you hugs :hug: :hug:

Am very sorry things turned out this way... Wish you strength for tomorrow. Nobody deserves to go thru this, my heart goes out to you.

Aww hun im so sorry to hear your awful news :hug: :hug: you just stay here if it gives you ppl to chat to always here if you need a chat .xxxxx
I'm so so sorry to hear your news :(

You know where we are if you need to talk :hug:

Charm X
sorry to hear your sad news :hug:

hope everything goes smoothly tomora for you
awww hun, im so sorry for you loss, if you ever need to chat pm me

Im sorry honey, noone deserves that.
Dont ever feel out of place here honey we will all support you any way we can! I really hope you feel better soon, i know its hard
I hope all goes well 2mo, and remember if u want to rant, go ahead. Its the best thing to get it all out.
Again, im sorry for your loss
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you all for your words and support. I didn't make it to the hospital appointment, Had MC yesterday stared at 6;30pm. Ended up in wishshaw hospital for emergency treatment. just home now, weak, tired, sore and really sad, lonely and feeling empty. Have to post in the MC section now so not to upset or worry mum's to be.
Thank you all again
Yvonne x

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